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"Jada wake up"I heard my mom yell into my room "ugh I can't wait till summer"I yelled into my pillow

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"Jada wake up"I heard my mom yell into my room "ugh I can't wait till summer"I yelled into my pillow

I got up walking into my bathroom that's connected to my room turning on my speaker the first thing that I played was issues by teyana Taylor
(I listen to this song every morning 😂)

I washed my face and put my face mask on "fighting to keep us together,hope it's worth a try you ain't always been a angle but havens on our side I got my demons too,I know just how you feel"I sang while walking to my closet to pick out a outfit for school

I went back into my bathroom and washed my face off and brushed my teeth I got into the shower "hold on hold on don't let me go"I sang in the shower while washing my body off with my aloe dove soap

"Hurry up lil girl"my mom said knocking on the door while I was putting my outfit on "you act like I don't drive to school"I said grabbing all my things and opening the door "i know I just don't want you to be late I'm not trying to have that damn school call me again about your tardies"she said walking towards the door

"Ight ma love you"I said "love you too I put some money on the counter for you to stop and get you some breakfast"she said walking out of the front door good cause I don't want to eat that shit the school call food🤢

I got the money and a water bottle putting it in my backpack and grabbed my keys and purse on my way to the door

Soon as I got into my car one of my best friends mia called me "where you at hoe"she yelled "I'm leaving my house hoe"I said pulling out "bro you always late me and Kayla waiting for you at our table"she said "okay I will be there in a minute I just got to get me some to eat"I said then hung up cause I knew ha ass was gone ask for some

Oh did I forget to metion that I'm very mean...well I'm not evil I'm just nonchalant and that can come off as me being mean 🤷🏽‍♀️

I went to McDonald's and got me some to eat with a chocolate chip frappe and then I headed to the school

"Bout time we been waiting on yo ass"Kayla said grabbing my binder and I rolled my eyes "bitch you need to start doing yo work that's what you need to be worrying about"I said sitting down next to mia putting my head on her shoulder

"Yo ass not sleepy get up"mia said shoving my shoulders "y'all mean that's why I'm not giving y'all no food"I said sitting up "wait you got us food"Kayla asked me looking up from the worksheet "hell Nawl"i said busting out laughing while they mugged me

"Hey Jada"I heard somebody said behind me i looked back to see my cousin Jordan "he cousin"I said standing up and giving him a big hug bird brain bitches was mugging me and shit like trick this my cousin and plus he don't want y'all anyway "yo hoes staring"I said laughing and sitting back down

"Hey girls"Jordan said waving to mia and kayla "hey"they both replied back "so what you getting into this weekend"he asked me "not a damn thing all she gone do is go home and read her damn books on Wattpad"mia said rolling her eyes

Everybody be hating on my books like how you gone get mad cause I want to read my books instead of doing all that extra shit

"You be running out with them about y'all come out with me and my friends tonight"he asked us "I don't know Jordan"I said unsure

"Come on Jada it will be fun"Kayla said with pleading eyes "okay I will go where we going"I asked him "my homeboy throwing a house party so that's where we going"Jordan said looking down at me and I just nodded my head

I already text my mom asking her if I can go and she was happy that I was getting out she even offered me money and everything I be at home that much

"Aye Jordan"I heard somebody called and it was some boys at a table waving Jordan over "ight lil cuz I will see you tonight I'm gone send you the address"he said hugging me "ight see you later love you"I said

Then the bell rung at the day had begun I'm already ready to go home🙄


I was in my ap calculus class and it was so boring the teacher was just dragging the lesson I wish he can just give us the damn worksheet and let us be done

I raised my hand to go to the bathroom cause I had to get outta here "Yes Jada"my teacher said "umm can I go to the bathroom"I said looking around seeing everybody looking at me fuck they looking at

What the fuck is there something on my
Face damn "yes you can"he said and continue the lesson

Walking out into the hallway I immediately got on my phone I replied back to all my text messages and then I got on Instagram while walking  I felt myself walk into a hard ass wall

"Damn watch out"I heard somebody say I looked up to see this boy he was cute dark skin,waves,big lips with pearly white teeth

I snapped out of my trace when he snapped his fingers in my face "umm w-what"I stuttered why am I like this

"Watch where you going next time"he said  with a attitude "nigga if you saw me coming then you could've went the other way or maybe you wasn't paying attention either"I said getting up and walking away he just really made me mad


"Take my picture"I said to mia handing her my phone "what's the magic word"mia said grinning "please"I said wanting her to just take the picture

"Oooh my bestie a bad bitch you got to post these Rii now"mia said and Kayla nodded her head looking at them I looked at them and posted one of them on ig

"Oooh my bestie a bad bitch you got to post these Rii now"mia said and Kayla nodded her head looking at them I looked at them and posted one of them on ig

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Jada.wayda|just a vibe you won't find no where else💫💙

Comments section



Kayla~pooh:oooh bae why you have to do them like that 🤤

Kayla~pooh:mines 😏

Tjk3:baby cousin you not grown😐

Random:damn when you gone let me hit🤤

Random 2:you so beautiful why you single 🤔

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"Boy they be going crazy on yo comments"Kayla said looking at her phone "what time we going to the party"mia asked "we can go at like 10:00"Kayla said

"I can't believe y'all talked Me into going to a party"I said going into my closet "what you doing"mia said looking at me in front of the door frame "looking for my outfit"I said with a duh tone

She pushed me out the closet "Nawl I picked you out something already"she said getting it out of her bag "you think I'm about to wear that"I said looking at it like it had shit on it

"I know you are so gone get into the shower"mia said I groaned walking to my bathroom "you can use my momma bathroom mia and Kayla you can use the guest bathroom Downstairs"'I said going into my room

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