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Melooooo💙:where you been jada
Melooooo💙:you see me texting you
Melooooo💙:you must be back with that nigga Chris...Ima Leave you alone

I chuckled checking my messages what the fuck was he on last night

It was 6 in the morning I looked over to my side and saw that Izzy wasn't there what the fuck

I called him but he didn't answer,I got out of bed and went into the bathroom brushing my teeth and washing my face

I walked back into the room and sat at the edge of the bed where he at I hope he straight

I texted his phone asking if he was okay he read it but didn't respond,I heard the front door shut and I stood up

The only person who knows where izzy stay is me and his best friend,mom,and sister

So I knew that I was straight "Izzy is that you"I walked to the living room

I found him and this boy holding his bleeding arm "omg what happened" I ran over to him

The boy looked at me with a shocked expression "umm-ahh-shit jada I forgot you was here"he said closing his eyes  tight

I moved over to the couch that he was on I did the first thing that came to my mind

Due to my watching my mom in situations like this with my dad I knew what to do "excuse me"I said to the boy that was just standing there

I took my shirt off leaving me in my pajama pants and a sports bra

I wrapped my shirt around his arm where it was bleeding

"What happened"he stayed quiet I just needed to know if he had a bullet in him so I know what to do

"Umm can you tell me what happened..."I looked over to the boy that was just standing there

"Umm Terance and he got shot"he said and I nodded my head "now was that so hard"

"Do you have a first aid kit"I asked him and he nodded his head "under the cabinet in the kitchen"he growled

Terance went to go get it "this is so crazy"I said shaking my head keeping pressure on his arm

The bleeding slowed down which is good cause now I can get the bullet out and stitch him up

"Here"I grabbed the kit from Terance and started clean izzy arm I poured alcohol on it and yelled out in pain "fuck!!!"

I rolled my eyes shut up bitch I said to myself

I finished clean him up and took the bullet out

I got ready to stitch him up "okay this gone hurt"I said to him and he nodded his head

When I starred he gripped my thigh"urgh"he groaned

He moved his head into my neck "I'm almost done"I said finishing it

I got a bandage and put it on there then wrapped his arm "there you go"I said standing up

Picking up my trash and walking away

I threw away my trash and walked back to his room find me something to put on "honestly don't know how I feel about that"

Like I said before I have no problem with what he do to get his money it's just that it brought back a lot of memories of my dad

I called Jordan "what you want lil girl" he answered the phone

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