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"Okay let me get one more good shot"the Photographer said and I turned around and hit another pose

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"Okay let me get one more good shot"the Photographer said and I turned around and hit another pose.

"Okay let me get one more good shot"the Photographer said and I turned around and hit another pose

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"That's the money shot"he yelled and I smiled and stepped down the stairs "thank you so much ms.jada for doing the shoot for us"he said and the rest of his team thanked me and smiled and I nodded my head.

"You all are welcome thanks for having me"I said. I saw my assistant running to me with a worried look "what's wrong"I asked her and she handed me the phone.

"Hello"I answered it and I heard lani crying "mommy shit hit me so I hit her back and now I'm in trouble"she kept crying and I shook my head.

"You at school baby"I asked her walking to the dressing room taking the outfit off and putting on something comfortable in case I have to act a fool at this school.

"Yes the girl parents up here and they yelling at me"she cried some more "they doing what here I come lani call yo daddy"I said throwing my shoes on.

My assistant grabbed my purse and followed behind me "I'm bout to beat a bitch ass behind mines"I said getting into my car starting it up.

My assistant handed me my stuff and went to her car,she knew what the fuck was about to go down.

I pulled off and got a call from Izzy"Jada don't go to that school acting a fool I'm on my way"he said and I shook my head "fuck that they got mother fuckers yelling at my child them bitches shouldn't even be able to get in contact with my child"I snapped and Izzy just hung up.

"He better hope he get there before I do"I mumbled.

Once I pulled up to the school I got out walking straight into the office going to the principals office.

I walked in and he had a shocked impression "ms.jada I wasn't expecting you"he said and I looked over and saw lani crying in the corner and another little girl and I'm assuming her parents.

"You didn't think my child was going to call me and let me know what was going on what kind of business are you running here huh"I snapped on him and I went to lani.

"I'm sorry I just didn't want to cause any conflict"he said "well you have already cause I should've break notified about what happened between my daughter and another student and then she's telling me that parents are yelling at her, what kind of fool do you take me as"I said.

The white women looked over at me with disgrace "bitch what you looking at yell at me like you yelled at me child hoe"soon as I said that Izzy walked in "woah chill out jada".

The women shook her head "now I see where she got the aggression from"the women said and I almost slapped fire from ha ass "bitch you worried about the wrong thing and you need to teach yo child how to keep her hands to herself or next time it ain't gone be a simple hit back"Izzy said and the husband just sat there not saying shit.

"Now mr.jhonson I don't like how you allowed this to play out just let me know wat my child punishment is and we will be on our way"Izzy said looking over at the principal who looked scared for his life.

"She only has one day suspension since today is Thursday"he said and Izzy nodded his head and carried me and lani out of the room.

"I can't take y'all no where"he mumbled and I laughed and lani looked over at me and laughed "izzy they had my baby fuck up"I said and he shook his head taking me to my car.

"Where my other kids"he asked me looking in the car "bri at school and Braxton with my mama"I said and he nodded his head.

Lani got in his car and Izzy looked me up and down "you look good today"he said eyeing my hips "Izzy not right now"I said looking around.

"What I miss you babygirl"he said pushing up against me and I felt his print grow "whew Izzy"I said rolled my eyes to the back of my head "I know you miss me" he said and I pushed him off of me.

"Can you stop"I whined and he smirked at me "I will see you tonight"he said throwing me off "what you mean"I asked him while he walked away.

But he just ignored me "bye lani"I yelled "bye mommy"she yelled out the window and I got in the car and pulled off going to get the drama queen from the school.

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