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Jada.wayda || I think y'all forgot I'm naturally beautiful 🥰

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"Why you looking at her post the fuck"angle yelled from beside me "why the fuck yo ugly ass all up in my phone"I mugged her

"Oh now I'm ugly I wasn't ugly when you cheated on Jada with me"she smirked like she just did some "you sound dumb as fuck listen to the shit you saying"

I stand up and picked my jacket up "you always bringing her up get off ha dick she ain't worried about you damn"she be getting on my nerves

Like we not even together she just a bitch that i fuck when I want my shit wet ,I grabbed my keys from her night stand and walked out the room "where you going"

I just slammed the front door and walked out "stupid bitch I wish she would just shut the fuck up"I mumbled getting on the elevator

Walking out the lobby I saw mia coming in this fake ass bitch

She was about to stop me to say something but I just kept walking like I ain't see her

When I got into my car my phone started ringing "I wish y'all would just leave me alone"I yelled into the phone " bad nigga"I heard Caleb voice on the other end

"My bad bro people just been getting on my nerves all week"I rubbed my hand down my face "I'm already knowing...what you doing tonight"

"Not shit...what you on"I started my car up and made my way to my dorm "jordan throwing a party tonight you trying to slide"

I sighed I miss my bro's I ain't talked to them in like a month "bro I don't know the crew don't fuck with me no more nor do they fuck with Mia"Caleb chuckled

"Fuck that bitch I don't blame them y'all was on some bs specially Mia but they ain't even worried about you,Jada happy so..."I thought about it would be nice to hang out with the crew

"If this go wrong I'm blaming it on you"I said pulling up to my dorm  "Ight bro I will see you tonight"we hung up and I got out the car

On my way to my dorm I saw Jada walking through the quad "aye Jada"I called out to her

She looked around and her eyes fount me ,she sighed and looked at me

I ran up to her and stopped when I reached her "I just want to talk to you"she just looked at me with a straight face

"Yes Chris"she sounded so uninterested in my conversation "I just wanted to say sorry...I know it's long over due but I'm sorry I made you look stupid I made myself look stupid...I see that you happy and that's all that matters...I love you and I'm sorry again"she just stared at me

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