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"Did you get the stuff from your apartment sent here"I asked Izzy whiled I watch the movers place everything where I asked them to

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"Did you get the stuff from your apartment sent here"I asked Izzy whiled I watch the movers place everything where I asked them to.

"Yes when they get done they are going to go get everything from my apartment"he said and I nodded my head.

"Did you get everything out of your apartment"he asked me and I looked around acting like I didn't hear him. "jada" he called my name getting my attention.

"Umm we have to talk about something but you can't be mad"I said and he looked at me and waited for me to continue "I want to keep my apartment"I said lowly but he heard me.

"W-what for you having second thoughts or some"he said and I sighed cause I knew he was going to think that.

"No I just want to keep it in case of a emergency okay this is our home we are building a family here"I said hugging him and he was hesitant but he hugged my back.

"I guess"he mumbled and I let him go. I saw the workers bring in the things for Malani room "oh that goes up stairs to the first room on the right"I told them and they nodded their head.

"We have to get things for the nursery"I said watching everything come together in our new home "we can do that later in the week"Izzy said hugging me from behind.

"I love you papa"I said and he kissed my cheek "I love you too mamas"he whispered in my ear. "Oh my god jada I love it"I heard my mama yell walking into the house.

I blushed "thank you ma"I said giving her a hug "hey mama"Izzy hugged her and she hugged him back. "Whew child this place is nice"she said looking around "yeah lani picked it out"I said.

She turned around and smiled "I haven't met miss lani yet I've heard a lot about her"my mom said and Izzy chuckled "well I actually have to go get her from school right now so you will be seeing her soon"he said and she nodded her head.

He went upstairs and grabbed his keys and came back down "ight babe love you"he kissed my lips "love you too be safe with my baby"I said to him and he waved me off "I'm always safe".

When he left out I took my mom on a tour of the whole house "whew I'm to pregnant for this"I said when we made it to me and Izzy bedroom which was already done.

My mom rubbed my belly "my baby is really growing up on me I'm so proud of you baby and I know you dad is proud of you too"she said leaning down kissing my forehead.

Me being the emotional wreck I am I started crying "thank you mommy I really needed that"I said hugging her while she patted my back " anytime babygirl".

"Umm miss jada we are about to get the things from the apartment is there anything else you need us to do"one of the workers asked me "Umm no thank you"I said and he nodded his head and left.

"He was cute"my mama said and I scrunched my face up at her "girl I am in a full grown relationship"I said to her and she waved me off "girl I was talking about for me"she said and I looked at her like she was crazy.

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