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Different by Tink blasted threw my speakers in my room loud as fuck, I've been in a fucked up mood all week

My phone been on DND for a whole week I don't want to hear shit from nobody, plus I've been sick

I haven't heard from izzy and at this point I don't even care no more I just want everything to stop I just want everything to go back to normal

My life wasn't this crazy until I met Chris,I'm not blaming all of this on him but when I met him everything after turned into shit

My mom came to my house yesterday she the only one I've been communicating with she wants me to go to the doctor cause I've been throwing up nun stop

The song changed to I don't know by YoungBoy ,it only gave me memories of me and izzy I miss him so much

I looked at my call log to see who called me and I saw a missing call from T ,I totally forgot that he was in the car with izzy when they wrecked

I called him back to see what he wanted "hello"I heard T say into the phone "hi"my voice was so soft since I haven't been talking to anyway

"I haven't heard from you light bright where you been"I chuckled,first time I've laughed since Saturday "my bad I just been going through some you doing are you okay"I asked him

"Well I'm Ight I'm still in the hospital cause I had internal bleeding in my stomach"I felt so bad "Aww T I'm sorry"I said "it's Ight have you talked to izzy"my whole mood changed

"No"I said straight up "awe well if you want you can come see me I ain't got nobody else to come up here"he said and it confused me

"Actually I have to go to the doctor to check some when get there I will come see you"I said getting up and going to my closet "awwww shit I'm bout to be a uncle"he said in a joking way

I nervously chuckled "yeah you might be"I said "you for real"he asked me "yep I don't know though"I sighed "just go get it check out sus and come talk to me"I nodded my head like he could see me "Ight let me go"

I hung up the phone and I looked around my room it look a hot mess I will clean up when I get back

I texted my mom telling her that I was going to the doctor and I will call her when I left from there

I put some comfy clothes on cause everything else feel so tight on me "ugh fuck me"I groaned and walked out my room into the kitchen

I grabbed me a water bottle,KitKat,and a pickle

I don't know why but I was just craving a pickle "Ight let's go Jada"I said to myself when I walked into the lobby the man at the front desk looked at me with shock "haven't seen you in minute"he said smiling at me

"I know I've been locking myself up in my apartment all week"I chuckled and walked out the lobby and walked to my car from then on I went to the hospital

10 minutes later

"Yes I have a appointment with dr. D'Angelo" I told the women at the front desk "okay sign in right here and he will see you shortly"she said and I grabbed the clip board

I filled out everything and gave it back to the woman ugh let's get this over with "Jada" I looked up and saw a woman waiting for me at the door

I stand up and followed her to the back "the dr will be right in"she told me once we got into a room

I waited for like 5 minutes until I heard a knock on the door "come in"I said "hey Jada long time since I seen you"she said coming in ,she sat her laptop on the counter and came to sit in the roll chair in front of me

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