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(Sorry for any mistakes)
"Leon just take the picture"I yelled at him posing outside of kayla house

"here crybaby"he handed me the phone

"Thank you baby"I sat up and kissed his cheek

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"Thank you baby"I sat up and kissed his cheek

Kayla was trowing a lil party at her house since her momma and daddy was out of town

"Who all gone be up in here "he asked me when I went around to the side gates

"Just people from school and my friends"I said pushing the gate and walked in "I only came to this cause you wanted me to come"he chuckled and I rolled my eyes

Me and Leon been doing good we not in a relationship but we in a relationship get what I'm saying

"Jada!!!"I heard somebody yell my name and i looked over and saw mia

"Come on"I pulled Leon arm to the group

"Hey y'all this is my friend Leon...Leon this is mia,Kayla,jay,Alex,Caleb,and Chris"I said pointing to them each

They waved at each other and Mia gave me that look and I avoided her look and went to the end on the couch were chris was at

"How many people suppose to be showing up"I asked them and they just shrugged their shoulders

"If to many people get here then we can leave"I whispered to le and he shook his head

"I want you to enjoy yourself"he said and I smiled

I heard chris chuckled next to me "what's so funny"Leon asked him and Chris shook his head

"Nun man"I rolled my eyes and got up grabbing Leon hand

We walked over to where the drinks was at "so who was that"Leon asked me looking at Chris

I looked at my sandals "umm...that's Chris my ex"I mumbled

He lifted my head up and looked at me "I'm not mad at you about yo past"he said

"Thank you I guess"I said smiling

2 hours later


"Girl what do you want"I said looking up from me and Leon conversation

I looked at mia and she had this weird look on her face "come here"she said waving her hand over

I looked at le and he nodded his head "I will be Rii back"I said getting up

"Wassuh"I said and she pulled me into the house "I'm so sorry Jada...I'm so sorry I didn't mean to say it just slipped I'm sorry"I'm so confused rii now

"Mia what are talking about what you say"I said looking at her with a confused face

"I-I accidentally told Chris about the baby"my whole stomach dropped to my ass

"Huh"I said and before she can repeat "wait what you mean you told him I wasn't ready for him bro know"I said getting nervous

"I know I'm sorry mia we was talking about how the group is separated and then it just came out"she said and a tear ran down her face

"No mia don't cry I'm not mad at you I didn't want to tell him now but it's fine we will just get over it"I hugged her and we walked back outside

I looked over and saw Chris downing there whole bottle of vodka oh my god

I walked over there to were he was and looked up at him "Chris you need to stop"I said trying to get the bottle from him

He wobbled back from me "oh now you want to talk to me you ain't have shit to say to me when you needed to say some so gone"I looked down

"Chris I'm sorry I'm still trying get through this"I said and my voice cracked

I tried to take the bottle from him and he snatched it back "come on this is not going to make it better"I said and he shook his head

"I losing everything I have never had somebody concicent in my life not even my own mom...I lost my I can't win to lose"he said breaking down and he fell into my arms

"Chris come on"I said trying to get him to walk to the couch where we was sitting at

I saw Leon looking at us and I just knew this was about to be a big issue "I'm so sorry jada if I didn't fuck up we would still have our baby and we would still be together"

At this point everybody was gone it was just the crew and Leon

"Chris please calm down okay I got you okay we have to be strong we can't let this hold us back"I said looking down at him

"You so strong how do you do it"he asked me sitting up "I'm just used to being hurt you just got to get up and keep on moving"

I got a text from my phone and it was Leon

Babyyyyyyy🥰:I'm ready to go...
Boo thang💕:ight here I come

"Chris it's time for me to go"j said patting his back "okay can we talk about this another time"he asked me and I thought about

"Y-yeah we can talk about it another time"I said standing up and walked to Leon

"Hey I'm ready"I said grabbing my purse he nodded his head and we headed to the car

The car ride was so quite I waited till we got outside my house to talk to me "Leon"

"I don't want you thinking that me and Chris have something going was not what it looked like"I said looking at him

"What was it then Jada"I sighed "umm the day me and Chris broke up I lost my baby that night"my voice cracked It's like it just really hit me

"Jada"-I cut him off "I had started bleeding that night after crying so long and then we went to the hospital and I found out last night"

"I'm sorry Jada I didn't know"he said and nodded my head "I know I didn't want anybody to know"I grabbed my stuff

"I just need some time to myself rii now"I said I opened the door and he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back

He gave me a kiss on the lips and I kissed him back "by Leon" I said softly and I got out the car

Why is this just now getting to me🤦🏽‍♀️

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