Life, what is it? by J.K Rowling

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Not really by j.k rowling

Haskell's POV (Sign language is in Italics)

Mirai began moving her hands in weird gestures and patterns. I begin to recognise some of the gestures as sign language. This girl knew sign language? I looked back at Ceil and she had one of the dumbest looks on her face. I roll my eyes and look back at the girl, Ceil obviously had no idea what was going on. I shake my head and glance back to Mirai. Her hands have stopped moving.

'Do you understand me?' Mirai didn't respond. I guess that's a no. She began moving her hands again at a slow pace. I think that's what she said, her gestures are a little funny. I don't really want to deal with this but Ceil is hopeless at sign language. I tell her to wait and she looked surprised? It's a little hard to tell, she doesn't emote much. I turn to Ceil again, she looks as dumbfounded as before.

'She's using sign language.'

'Sign Language?' I nod my head and Ceil looks thoughtful for a moment.

'Do you know sign language?' I nod my head again and Ceil looks confused.

'When did you learn that?'

'When you left.' Ceil goes quiet after that. It stays quiet for a little bit until Ceil speaks up again.

'Well, I don't know... uh, hand speak so you need to talk to her.'

'First of all, it's sign language, and second of all I don't want to talk to her.' Ceil looks shocked for a moment.

'That's kind of mean. The kid's been through a lot.' I cross my arms in front of me.

'I'll translate but that's all. You can talk to her.' Ceil thinks for a moment seemingly wanting to argue before nodding her head.

'Okay then! Tell her I say hi!' I turn to Mirai and wave my hand to her. She waves back in return.

'Who are you?'

'This is Ceil and I am Haskell.' I fingerspell our names to her and she tries it out herself.

'Okay. Why am I here?' I turn to Ceil and she contemplates for a moment.

'Uh, we saved you from your little cave. Tell her that.' I nod my head and sign again.

'You know the cave you were in? We took you from it.' Mirai looks puzzled.

'I don't understand what you said.' I mentally sigh. This is just great, she doesn't speak and doesn't know much sign language obviously. What a bother. I turn to Ceil once more.

'She doesn't understand enough to hold a conversation.' Ceil has a frown on her face now.

'Maybe she can read?' I stare at her. It's worth a shot but I doubt it. I mean, our lives just have to be really difficult. I pull a pen out of my pocket and grab a sheet of paper off the desk in the room. I write down a hello and give it to her. She turns her head comically again and shakes her head. Great, she can't read. How old is this girl anyway? I turn to Mirai and ask.

'How old are you?'

'I do not know'

I sigh and Ceil looks at me with a soft smile.

'So, she can't read. I guess we'll just have to ask Kinume for help!" I don't get it. She's mentioned this girl forever and I have not seen her once. Is she delusional from her time away? I've played along for long enough.

'Who's Kinume? I've asked you before but you didn't answer.' Ceil frowns once more and also turns her head to the side.

'What do you mean? She's been here the whole time. This is her house!'

'Ceil, I haven't seen this girl once! You've just been dragging me on this little adventure on your own. I don't know how you know about any of this stuff but it's weirding me out and I want the truth!' Ceil goes quiet. Her face begins draining of colour, it goes as pale as a sheet.

'Haskell this isn't funny. I swear I can see this girl, I can even describe her! She has brown to green hair with a purple dress on. Her face is pale and she has blue eyes!' Ceil looks nervous now. Why is she continuing this? Is she actually being serious?

'I haven't ever seen this girl. Not once, I'm not joking.' Ceil begins to sweat, twisting her hands around in her lap, an old habit from years ago.

'Ask Mirai! She might've seen her!' I turn to Mirai doubtfully. I would've seen this girl.

'How many people have you seen in this house?' Mirai looks confused again but seems to have gotten a little of the message.

'This many people?'


'Three. Ceil, Haskell and Mirai.' I rest my case. I turn back to Ceil.

'She's only seen us three in the house. She would've seen this girl on her way up here!' Ceil looks like she's going to cry. Her breath is picking up and she manages to turn even paler-somehow. Something is very wrong and I don't think it's going to get any better.

'Oh my god. I'm seeing people. I've officially lost it! There's no going back for me hahahahaha' She begins to laugh hysterically, tears streaming down her pale face as she paces back and forth. Hands flying everywhere as if giving her words more momentum.

'This can't be happening! I've gone through all this shit only to be seeing people! Can't I catch a break?! What did I do to deserve this?!' Ceil crouches into a ball and pulls her hair harshly. I walk over to her, keeping my face calm.

'Ceil, you need to take a deep breath...'

'GET AWAY FROM ME! YOU AREN'T REAL!' I flinch back at the remark.

'Ceil, please. I am real-'

'WHAT ARE YOU?! Why can I see you?! Just leave me alone?!' Ceil screams at the top of her lungs things are officially going from bad to worse very quickly. I don't know what to do. Ceil continues shouting at nothingness, strongly flinching whenever I try to touch her. I continue to think when something grasps my shoulder. I turn in alarm only to see Mirai before me.

'What is wrong?' I don't have time for this!

'Not now.' Thankfully Mirai nods and steps back once again, simply observing my sister tearing herself to shreds. Suddenly Ceil stops. She freezes in uh...shock perhaps? It's quiet before she starts heavily sobbing again. Why was this happening? What is happening?

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