the end is nigh...unless?

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'Oh thank gods you're here Haskell! I am in dire need of your assistance.'

'Oh my god Kinume has rubbed off on you too much' They answer as they shut the door behind them. Walking towards me trying-and failing at doing up my white bow tie.

'Can you do this for me it won't do up, I think my hands are shaking too much. Also handsome suit, blue always look good on you.' I turn towards them lifting my head so they can better reach

'Yeah so you tell me, gotta say though this white suit looks pretty sharp.' I grin at Haskell and they smile back. It's quite the big day, and I cannot stop freaking out. 

My smile fades as I start to panic what if she changes her mind, what if she doesn't want to marry me what if what if what if........

And suddenly I was slapped out of my thoughts, literally slapped out of them. Haskell had slapped me. 

'Why would you slap me!!!'

'Coz you needed to be brought back to the land of the living, you were spiraling. By the way, just as a side note, she loves you and you love her right?'


'So that's all that matters yeah?'

'Yeah you're right.'

'I am always right.'

'Bull shit!' Haskell simply pokes their tongue out at me before moving away indicating that they were done.

'Thank you so much Hasi. not just for helping me now but also for being my best individual and dealing with my shit for the past 5 months in planning this.

 I know it's been hectic and everything, you've just been so helpful. 

Also quick question, what's the bet that this pristine white suit is gonna stay clean for, my bets 10 minutes into the food.'

'You know what I think? As soon as you cut the cake it's gonna get dirty, and you're welcome, I'm your sibling and only living relative of course I'm going to help you.' They say pulling me into a warm hug. 

We stay there for a little while longer before I realise that I have to be at the altar in like two minutes. I take a deep breath and ask,

'How do I look?'



'Lets go.'

~time skip~

I was chatting away with 'Sukki who decided it would be a good idea to be able to officiate weddings just for this occasion. 

The wind blew a few flowers towards us, some hitting 'Sukki right in the face others flowing into the forest and finally landing in a nearby river.

A beat of silence came over us as luda Gets Funky bursts through the speakers just to the right of the arch full of bundles of daffodils, true lilacs, red tulips, and pink carnations.

As the song continued, Mirai moved forward down the carpet towards me, throwing flowers, and just like we discussed earlier every few steps she..... well she dabbed.

And to be honest the moment she first dabbed would have to be my proudest moment the heaving sigh from 'Sukki made the moment even better.

It wasn't until the song was half done singing about having your head down and booty up, that Kinume came down the aisle that it got even better. 

She looked beautiful, dress dark as night with lace creeping up her arms and winding around her neckline absolutely fucking stunning. 

So much in fact that a tear came to my eyes, it was gone in a second though, replaced by laughter at the sight of my fiance came crumping down the aisle to the beat of the song, which is surprisingly fast, I have to say it's pretty impressive!

Slice Of Life: F*cked Up VersionWhere stories live. Discover now