taaaaaaallllllllkkkkkkiiiiiinnnngggg and fluff

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We need to talk. Possibly the worst sentence to ever exist in the english language. The sentence that says, 'something bad is about to happen or has happened and you're not going to enjoy it.' What could possibly be wrong? A small giggles interrupts my thoughts. My vision blurs as I startle back to reality. Kinume is giggling to herself, her body completely relaxed.

'What are you laughing at?' Kinume stops giggling and smiles at me.

'You look like I'm about to tell you that the world is going to end.' Is...is what she wants to tell me not that bad? I let out a breath, how dare she play with my heart like that. I put my hands on my hips and huff.

'You scared the crap out of me Kinume. You just don't say 'We need to talk' because it means something bad is going on.' Kinume's expression didn't change as she looked at me.

'I never said it wasn't something bad.' My shoulders hunch again, so there was a problem? What could it be? My mouth ends up going faster than what my mind can catch up to.

'What's wrong? Are you hurt? Did something happen?' I begin to ramble a series of questions, wondering what the problem was. Kinume places her hand on my shoulder as she interrupts my thoughts once more.

'Peace Ceil, my goodness, you really are shaken up.' I look at her face, smiling as always but it looks rather sorrowful. She continues to speak we she sees I'm not going to say anything.

'Let's go talk in your room okay?' I simply nod my head and allow her to drag me to my room. We both sit down at the edge of the bed. My hands intertwined with each other and placed on my lap. I look towards Kinume who has a nice, more refined posture.

'So, what did you want to talk about?' I decided to start and Kinume looks nervous for a second before her face returns to a smile.

'It's been a hard road hasn't it?'

'Huh?' That escaped me before I could stop myself. That was a weird start. Kinume kept speaking, either not hearing me or choosing to ignore me.

'A lot of things have happened. I don't really know how...how to say what I want to say but I'll try my best.' I remain quiet, deciding to hold my comments until she finishes.

'In all honesty, I'm rather scared. Despite the fact that all of this is supposed to be over I still hold feelings of dread. I feel like I'm not myself anymore. It feels like my mind is convinced I'm still dead, I've even walked into walls thinking I can just phase through them. 

Emotions are difficult as well, I struggled to feel them while I was incorporeal and now they're completely overwhelming. The only thing that I feel hasn't changed is my thought process of 'keep smiling, things will get better.' Kinume stops and looks at the floor, her hair flowing over her shoulder and casting a shadow onto her face. 

That was a lot of information but now that I think about it. I don't think I've ever heard Kinume share about any problems she's had before. Thinking even deeper I realised how scary or confused she must have been while she was a ghost. 

I remember when I first met her, desperately calling out to people who didn't even know she existed. How she needed help but no one could. 

Man, I'm an asshole for not noticing. 

I don't even know what to say now...I'm so emotionally constipated. This is incredibly frustrating but maybe I should just go with whatever pops into my head first.

'I can't really say I know what you're going through because I don't. I'm really sorry for not noticing this earlier and not even taking time to consider your feelings.' Kinume goes to interrupt me and I hold my hand up, asking for her to wait. Which she does and looks back to the floor.

Slice Of Life: F*cked Up VersionWhere stories live. Discover now