Trust no one, but trust us

10 1 3

Ceil's POV

Good things can only last so long I guess...I'm very much regretting my life choices.

'Ceil, please stop hitting your chin and wave your hand like a normal person.'

'There is no such thing as normal.' Kinume shakes her head then waves her hand side to side, the sign for hello. I start copying her only to hit my chin on accident again. Kinume sighs.

'Maybe you have a head injury from your time in the facility.'

'That's mean. Are you calling me dumb?'

'Not dumb, just handicapped.' I leap to my feet.

'YOU MADE A PUN!' I point at her, joy covering my face. Kinume's mouth hangs open and her face flushes.

'I-I didn't mean to!'

'I've taught you well young PUN-awan!' I make my hands into finger guns and fire away. She looks confused. Probably didn't get it.

'Let's continue. You can't talk to Mirai if you don't know sign language.' I sit back down again.

'Are we still doing hello?'

'No. We'll move on to something else. We can come back to that.' I've spent about 1 and a half hours now trying to learn this. Why do hands have to be complicated? To be fair I was doing well for 30 minutes then we went back to trying to sign hello. It's been an hour since then and no progress. Maybe something IS wrong with me. What are you talking about of course there's something wrong with you! Shut up with your facts Ceil! No, you shut up! No!

'Ceil?' I whip my head around and see Haskell standing in the doorway. Mirai is standing behind Them, peeking from behind their waist.

'Uh...' I try to sign hello but hit my chin FOR THE 1897347th TIME!

'Why are you calling me a bitch?' I whip around to Kinume.

'THAT'S what that means?' She nods her head and I turn back to Haskell.

'Sorry Haskell I didn't know haha I think I'm physically incapable of waving my hand side to side.' Haskell sighed heavily turning to Mirai and flicking her hands quickly but I picked up a few words like speak and out and ceil... or maybe the words could have been, sneak pout and seal but idk I'm not good at this shit.

I look at Kinume for guidance but she just shakes her head and floats to the door falling in 'step' with a retreating Mirai. Haskell still stands with their arms crossed in front of their chest.

'We need to talk'

'I don't like talking.'

'Well, that's too bad. You have a lot of explaining to do.'

'You can't handle the truth.' She walks up to me and stands firm.

'No more jokes! Enough with the kid gloves! I'm an adult to and I deserve to know what the hell is going on!.'

'Well technically you're only-'

'Stop stalling!'


'Thank you. Now first question-'


'You can't pass.'

'Shit, really'


'Oh, man fine whats the question then. Let's get this over with.' i sigh heavily and sink down in my seat even lower than before ready for a long talk.

'Let's start simple, why did you leave and why did you choose now to come back.' haskell leans forward in anticipation waiting for the response. I bitch and moan for a bit about that question not being simple, and that technically that was two questions, not one.

'i was tricked into going and was basically kidnapped so not my fault. And to answer the other question tbh idk how I got out...I just did.' I reply shrugging, feeling really uncomfortable in my current position. Haskell sighs

'First of all, did you really just say TBH and idk about loud? And second of all what about another question... um, let's start with... who kinume is.'

'You know what I actually don't know, haven't got around to asking really coz you know I've been doing... stuff. Yeah, stuff' Haskell scoffed at my reply sitting back into her seat,

'Yeah stuff right, like avoiding me? Like not explaining anything? I mean come on that's textbook avoidance right there, and then there was this morning when I woke up and you weren't in bed and, and you're scary sometimes you know you just look into the air and just blank out then getting really angry and storming off. And when you couldn't find me you just pulled this whole house apart looking for me! That's something I should be doing, I'm the one with separation problems, so tell me why! Why are you like this?' Haskell's shouted. Their hands flailing and chest heaving. She fell back in her seat as she had gotten up during her little impromptu speech. I sunk even lower in my seat, wanting to get away from this conversation. I take a deep breath and reply,

'Okay yea I have been avoiding certain things, but I have my reasons okay! I have been traumatised in ways you wouldn't understand! Things are different now and I wish, oh god has no idea how much I wish things were back to normal. But things are different now, whether we like it or not. I can't change how stupid and gullible I was three years ago! But I can change from now on. But you have to understand that I'm not gonna just be just like I was and I'll just talk about everything. Because I won't. Maybe in the future, I'll talk but I don't want to burden you with my problems you have your own problems and you don't need to be weighed down with mine. As much as I love you too much to do that to you, Haskell.' Jeez, today is full of impromptu speeches. My eyes finally found Haskell's. 'Please. it's too soon to talk about it.' I plead hoping she will agree with me for once.

'You know what fine. But just tell me one thing.' Haskell gives.

'Alrighty, what is it?' I move back in my seat until my butt hits the back of the chair so I'm sitting up nice and tall ready to answer her question.

'Tell me who Kinume is.'

'To be completely honest I don't know. Okay, l. She just kinda showed up after work a few days ago and she showed me-us where Mirai was, and this is her house, maybe I think.' At Haskell's blank look I ask, 'Would you like me to describe her for you? Coz I can call her in and describe her.' Haskell shakes her head and sighs.

'Nah it's okay, I'm just glad you being honest with me.'

I wasn't. I had seen Kinume before...before she was a ghost

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