Final form with a side of cuddles (Gore warning)

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Ceil's POV

'Ceil listen to me.' Kinume stands before me. She's still smiling but it looks broken and hurt.

'I died. In the facility, you were also in. I don't know why I'm here or why you can see me. But I need you to help me help Mirai. Please.' I stare at her unable to comprehend any of this. I can see ghosts?! WTF?! That can't be possible! I'm going insane!

'You're not real.' Kinume shakes her head.

'No I'm not, but I once was. Ask Mirai, she knows my name in sign language.' She shows me a couple of gestures which I assume mean her name. I turn weakly to face Mirai. I shakily bring my hands up, why won't they stop shaking?

'Kinume' Mirai's eyes widen a fraction. She makes a sign with her hands but I don't understand it at all. Haskell looks between us.

'She's asking how you know that.' I glance at Haskell, I feel too exhausted to be doing anything.

'Why does she want to know?' Haskell turns once more to Mirai and begins doing their hand thingy. I don't even care right now, all I want is to reset today and never mention Kinume again. Haskell turns back to me.

'She says that Kinume died.' I flinch, hard. I look back to Kinume and she's still standing there with that same stupid smile but so many things were so very, very, different. She looked a mess. Her once barely wavy hair was tangled like a birds nest. Flecks of red streaked throughout it. Her hair covered her left eye, heavy streams of blood flowing from beneath. The once light blue eye has turned to a dull grey, filled with exhaustion and despair. She was wearing a terribly ripped hospital gown, there's something wrong with her-ohmygodhergutsarespillingouteverywhereand

I immediately turn to throw up. Haskell rushes over to my side and starts patting me on the back. I didn't really feel it though, my mind racing with what I just saw. What the hell was that?! I turn back to Kinume expecting the gruesome sight again but she's turned around, wearing her previous purple dress again. She turns to face me once more.

'I'm so sorry Ceil. I didn't mean for you to see that at all...' She looks remorseful at least.

'Why did that happen? What was that?' She remains quiet, a silent frown resting upon her face. One I've never seen before.

'That's how I looked when I died. It happens when I feel unstable or overly unsure. I was hoping you wouldn't turn around...' She looks away from me looking guiltily at the floor.

"I'm sorry for all the trouble I've caused you and your family. But I know you're looking after Mirai now so I can finally move on after all these years...' She looks to me once more, another smile replacing the frown.

'I know I'm asking a lot but I'm sure you'll be able to handle it.' She looks towards Mirai once more.

'And yet...despite feeling this I haven't moved on yet. Why can't I just leave you be?' Her brows creased in frustration.

'Ceil!' I jolt. Haskell's sharp yell reminding me of my surroundings once more. I turn to Them. They look visibly upset. Holding back tears, face tight and flushed.

'Can you hear me?' I nod my head.

'Finally. Are you feeling better now?' I nod once more, my throat sore from all the bile I had thrown up. I peer at Mirai who is standing behind Haskell. I expected her to be traumatised or something but no, she had the same blank look on her face still. I guess she's already been traumatised enough.

'Are you alright Mirai?' She doesn't respond and Haskell smacks me upside the head, I rub my head absentmindedly, I guess They were pretty annoyed with me.

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