Panic! with the pickles

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An incessant dripping floods my ears, despite my eyes being opened I'm purged in utter darkness. I can't make a sound at all, what's happening? I don't remember anything...the dripping continues despite my annoyance. It's quiet otherwise, the silence is completely unnerving. Someone walks by me, I startle and flinch from my place on the floor. I don't see who they are but it immediately sends my nerves off. I feel so strange, what is going on. I hear some sort of sound and that's all the warning I get before a horrified shriek rips through the air. The voice is completely broken, worn down from either too much use of complete lack of it. I whip around to find out what's happening and- What, no this...this can't be. But-but I-I nonononononononono. Oh gods, someone help me this must be some sort of dream I can't-

Ciel POV

It's been quiet for a while now, nothing much has happened as we continue to integrate ourselves back in the world. Too bad nothing lasts forever, it was all good until now. I struggle with all my might, my hand desperately grasping the cold surface. Trying to find my grip to stop my hand from slipping once more. No matter how hard I try it's completely useless. I don't want to drag anyone else into this. I grunt with effort but it seems like anything I do won't help me now.

'Yep, it's completely stuck.' I slam down the jar in anger, stupid freaking lid won't come undone. What is this complete mahogany? How dare this impudent lid oppose one as almighty as myself?!

I hear the pitter-patter of footsteps behind me, I glanced over my shoulder and saw Haskell tip toeing towards me glancing to the jar of pickles and my frustrated face.

'Do you want help?' They ask cautiously

'NO FUCK OFF' I scream back at them clearly struggling.

'Right, okay, give me the jar.'


'Yes pass it over' Haskell insists, as they reach over my shoulder, stretching for the jar, but I keep it just out of reach, using my hips and ass to knock them back far enough, and twisting around. But Haskell doesn't give up following my movements around they become more persistent using both arms trying to trap me, but I just bend over and push my hips into to theirs and spinning out of their reach, dancing around the kitchen island and into the dining room.



I jumped over the couch, ready to run into the other room, but my foot caught the side of the seat, I face planted, hands outstretched clutching the jar tightly, phew it's safe.

A heavy weight was suddenly added to my back,

'Haskell you ass get off me!'

'No let me help you'



'No!' This goes on for a bit as we roll around, and in one second, I feel the couch End. Our faces fall in unison, we both fall with a loud bang, we stare as the jar seems to fall in slow motion and we struggle upright, clambering up to grab to jar , but it misses our fingers by a millimetre and we watch in horror as the jar slowly reaches the floor.....

And just before it hits, a small hand shot out and grabbed the pickles, collectively both our eyes shot up and looked at our saviour small, precious, child Mirai. She simply stands holding the jar with a small smile on her face.

'Seal!' Her voice comes out, better than it has been but still quiet squeaky. Haskell and I release a deep sigh of relief, I stand on my feet to walk towards her.

'Thanks, Mirai. You're a hero for sure!' She doesn't respond but hold the jar out towards me.

'Seal!' I reach out to grab it before it's snatched out of her hands and I hear the lid pop open. Haskell has the jar in their hands and holds it out to me now, finally opened. A despaired face falls on my features and I collapsed onto my hands and knees.

'Oh the shame!' I over exaggerate everything in my utter 'shame' my hands flailing like a fish out of water. Haskell rolls their eyes and takes a pickle out of the jar. They take a bite and begin walking off towards the stairs. I rise a bit more to face Haskell.

'Hey, where are you going?'

'To my room.'

'With my pickle jar?!' They turn and face with a smirk.

'You didn't want it.' They turn back around and start bolting up the stairs. That little brat! How dare they take my pickle jar!

'Get back here!' I scramble to my feet and start taking the steps two at a time. I finally reach the top, intent on catching them when I hear quite the crack. Suddenly I'm falling forward and I feel the adrenaline pumping through me. Shock floods me as I try to understand what the hell just happened. Pain surges through my toe and I begin screaming and cursing. Haskell rushes over to my side to inspect my foot and laughs at the fact I had just slammed it against the top step. I glare at them so hard, don't they see how much I'm suffering?!

'Fuck you Haskell! It really hurts!' Haskell is literally rolling around on the ground while I pathetically hold my foot, pretending it's doing something to help but it's really not. Mirai appears up the stairs and looks indifferent to what's happening around her. I look at her, tears starting to build up behind my eyes. I stretch my arms out like a child.

'Mirai! Come give me a hug! I'm hurt!' Mirai seems to ponder for a moment but ends up holding her arms out as well. She hugs, albeit awkwardly, and pats my back. At least this child cares about me. I pout and face at Haskell who is struggling for air, clutching their stomach in what appears to be pain. Their breath comes out in gasps as they try to speak once more.

'Oh my...god. That was the...funniest shit I've like forever.' Little giggles continue to escape from them and I just hug Mirai tighter. I feel a tiny hand start patting my back a bit harder, signalling she didn't like the sudden change. I loosen my grip and simply place her on my lap facing forward.

'Geez Haskell that was really mean.' They simply smile wider and bring out the pickle jar.

'Want one?'

'Do you even need to ask?' I snatch it from them and begin munching on one. I offer one to Mirai who shakes her head. Maybe she doesn't like pickles? What if she's lesbian? No, stop Ceil she's like 6 or something hahaha. I shrug my shoulders and continue hoarding the pickles all for myself. Haskell stand up and dusts themselves off, offering a hand to Mirai. They retract their hand for a moment when they begin to sign as they speak.

'Come on, we got some more learning to do.' Mirai has a small smile as she nods her head slowly. She grabs Haskell's hand as she stands up once more. She faces me and does a small wave of goodbye while Haskell smiles at me and turns around. I stay on the floor a little longer, glaring at the step that caused my 'elegant' fall. Stairs and I have a love/hate relationship most days. Today is a hate day for sure.

A moment passes by as a thought flashes through my head. There was someone missing who I didn't hear laughing or fretting over me with concern like she usually did. I gather myself off the ground and dust myself off even though the place is clean. I look around by Kinume is nowhere to be seen. Now that I think about it I haven't seen much of the ghost recently, I sort of forgot about her. Wow, I feel horrible all of a sudden, I mean I'm the only one who can see and I haven't even been paying attention to her. She's just be quiet lately! Where has she been anyways? My new objective set in mind I begin to look around the house for Kinume. I look just about everywhere inside the house before huffing in annoyance. Where could she be? She wouldn't just leave would she? Holy shit, what if her spirit was appeased and she just disappeared or something?! No, no, no I don't want that to happen! Unease begins to grasp at my heart and I suddenly start feeling like I could be sick at any moment. My search starts to become a little more desperate as I look outside but she's nowhere to be seen. I can't even ask if anyone else has seen her because guess what? That can't see her! Come on Kinume! This is usually the part where you appear out of nowhere and ask if I'm doing okay. I search and search endlessly until night begins. Haskell and Mirai come up to me and check what I'm up too but I don't really give them an answer. Night began to creep up...but no matter how hard I looked. I couldn't find Kinume anywhere.

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