Spoopy Scary Skeletons

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Hey everyone! Bibble here and here's a special Halloween chapter for you! This is set in a time where Kinume isn't a spooky ghost and they've all lived together for a while! This story will mainly focus on Haskell and Mirai since I feel like they've been a bit underrated recently haha. Anyways...Happy Halloween!!

Haskell's POV

Halloween sucks. It's stupid and pointless. The only good thing about it is that it's easier to play pranks on other people but who wants to get high on sugar and be sick non stop the next day. Not to mention there are a bunch of strangers roaming the streets knocking on other people's doors, doesn't anyone feel awkward by that?! It's not like you do it any other day of the year. Apparently Ceil doesn't care and she has this tradition of playing 'The Nightmare before Christmas' everytime. She thinks it's a Christmas movie but I think it's a Halloween movie so there's always that discussion. Ceil has already kidnapped Kinume and whisked her off to who knows where...poor girl I feel bad. She's still recovering and Ceil is already off her nuts with anyways. I cross my arms over my chest and huff. This is pointless. I feel a tug on my jacket and look down.

'Skell?' Mirai is clinging to my jumper. She looks confused about everyone bustling about and the stacks of lollies, candies or whatever Ceil has bought.

'Wh-what's happen?' I look down at her and point towards everyone in costumes.

'This is a holiday. It's called Halloween.'

'Hello...weeen?' I chuckle at her attempt.

'No, Halloween.' She pouts momentarily before speaking again.

'Hall...Halloween.' Her eyes sparkly as they look up at me. Surely Mirai doesn't want to participate? She's usually uncommitted to everything, only finding it interesting when it was challenging. I guess...this would be one of her first holidays. We've been so busy lately that Mirai hasn't had the chance to ask any questions about the world outside of what she used to live in. I didn't really think of that. Not to mention there are kids her age running about and she doesn't have any friends.

'Join?' Mirai is still staring up at me but pointing her finger outside where everyone else mingles. Her eyes seem to glimmer and her jewel shines in the moonlight that's beginning to appear. I sigh and nod my head. She actually gives a bright smile and does a jump on the spot. She's pretty cute when she wants to be. Ceil brought everyone an outfit even though I said I didn't want to join in. I grab her hand as we head upstairs. She goes into her room and I go into mine to see my costume. It looks like a weird witch's costume with a broom to boot. Great...well it doesn't seem too bad. I adjust my hat and grab my broom. I walk out my door to see Mirai waiting for me there. She seems to have a cat outfit with a cat style jumper and socks. She has a small smile as she looks at me up and down.

'Look good.' I give a little bow.

'Why thank you. You look rather cute yourself.' She bows back and smiles. She grabs my hand and urgently rushes me down the stairs, obviously eager to begin. I laugh and let her pull me alongside her. People flood the streets and as the night begins to take over the streetlights cast beams of light, enhancing the shadows of the various creatures roaming the night. It's rather peaceful actually...minus the screams. Mirai has slowed down and walks beside me, looking rather lost. I grip her hand tighter and bring her towards a house. I demonstrate me knocking and gesture for her to do the same. She knocks on the door and a woman wearing a sheet or something pops out.

'Well hello there!' I quickly sign to Mirai.

'Say trick or treat.' She nods at me.

'Tri-twick or tweet!' Her eyes sparkle once more despite her face being rather serious. The lady chuckles and gives her a handful of various sweets. She also gives me some.

'Have a lovely night you two.' I give a minor bow.

'Thank you.' She simply smiles and retreats inside. We walk back onto the street and I glance at Mirai. Her eyes are shimmering as she looks into her bag, that now has something in it. She looks up at me with the biggest smile.

'Skell! Did! Did it!' She shook the bag in front of me, eager for me to look inside. I pretend to be overly shocked at her accomplishment.

'That's amazing Mirai! And you did awesome for your first time!' She smiles wider and hugs my waist. I almost fall back from the force but I force my broom down to regain my balance. I glance down at her, unused to the affection.

'Mirai?' She simply snuggles closer.

'Thank you.'

'Hm?' I place my hand on her head and she looks up at me. A small stream of tears fall from her good eye and down her cheeks, but a smile is still present on her tiny face.

'Thank you Skell!' I smile back at her and learn down. Bringing her into a proper hug and her face snuggles into my shoulder.

'Anytime for you Mirai.' She nods her head against my shoulder and we stay like that for a while. She eventually pulls back from me and grabs my hand. Pointing towards a different house. Her pure, childish excitement ends up infecting me as well and I ended up enjoying myself. I didn't realise how precious she was to me, a little sister that I didn't get to have. I'm going to protect her no matter what, well at least what I can protect her from. The night became darker as the moon rose higher. Mirai was against my chest as I carried her back to the house. She was sound asleep and tiny breaths escaped her in an even pace. I walk inside and skip past the living room where Kinume and Ceil were watching 'The Nightmare before Christmas.' I placed her on her bed and kiss her forehead.

'Goodnight Mirai. Sweet dreams.' A smile graces her face and she rolls over. I walk outside the room and close the door quietly behind me. A content feeling settles through me and I feel a small smile on my face.

I guess Halloween isn't so bad.

'But it's about Christmas!'

'But the characters are from Halloween!'


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