Ceil you useless lesbian

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Ceil's POV

Sometimes I feel immense waves of sadness just wash over me throughout the day. It's been two days since my discovery but Kinume hasn't been sighted once. I can tell Haskell and Mirai are worrying about me despite my fake confidence. I don't understand what happened, why did she just suddenly disappear?

'Ceil?' I jump as Haskell's voice floods my ears suddenly. A smile instantly plasters my face as I look at them.

'Yeah?' They look hesitant before placing their hand on my shoulder.

'Are you okay?' An overwhelming feeling of despair flows throughout me, immeasurable sadness just seems to settle within me. Without warning tears start spilling and yet for some reason I felt like this wasn't my sadness. Haskell flinches for a second before wrapping their arms around me, an attempt at comfort. My head shakes 'no' before I lean into Haskell, burying myself in them.

'What's going on?' I remain quiet. Would they even believe me?

'Sh-she's gone...' Haskell doesn't move, their head placed on top of my hair.


'Kinume.' Haskell hums but doesn't respond, they probably don't believe me.

'Any idea where she might have gone?'

'Huh?' I go to turn my head to face them but a hand starts flying through my hair, keeping me in place.

'Any idea where she might be?'

'Why do you believe me?'

'Why wouldn't I? Are you lying to me?' I shake my head. I'm so stupid sometimes, of course I can trust Haskell. Last time I kept them out of things it just made it a lot worse for everybody.

'I don't know, I didn't even realise when she disappeared.' More tears leak from my eyes as I feel like I'm drowning in my loss. I didn't even know her that long...or well.

'I should've paid more attention, I should've asked more about her.' Oh, I said that out loud

'Just do it the next time you see her.'

'But what if I don't?' Haskel huffs.

'She means a lot to you doesn't she? I mean, from what I have seen she's been helping out a lot.' Haskell drifts off and I remain quiet, waiting for them to continue.

'I feel a little sad myself.' I didn't expect that comment.


'Because I haven't met her but she sounds pretty amazing.' They sound rather solemn, I wonder what Haskell would think of Kinume if they actually met. Well met officially, anyway.

Can you tell me about her a bit more? It might help you calm down.' Haskell suggested, moving slightly out of my arms, but kept their hand running through my hair i a small calming movement.

'Yeah, yeah that might work ummm how do I start though? Can you ask some questions?' I asked uncertainly, Haskell nodded, before saying,

'Why don't you tell me about her like, not physically but what is she like?' I thought about it for a second when a small smile made itself known on my face,

'She's amazing Haskel, she knows so much but is so fudging oblivious to everything, and all I want to do is grab her whittle chubby cheeks and squosh them, she has the most expressive eyes I swear to the gods, you can tell what she's feeling just by the eyes and oh my lord they are beautiful. You remember when we went to the beach that one year when we scraped enough money to take a trip?' I wait for Haskell's nod before continuing, ' well you know how the water was like a greenish colour, and the water underneath was crystal clear blue? Yeah well that's what her eyes remind me of she's just so beautiful. And she has this strange mark I think it's a birthmark but I don't really know it's like a spade and it looks so cute it's under her left eye and it like glows when she's happy, it's like normally a pale green but when she is genuinely happy it glows like this fluro green and it's soo cute..... but she's gone now and I didn't even get to see her go and what if she was sick of me and what if I annoyed her with all my memes and shit and I don't know where she went and and and....' I dissolve back it the pile of tears I was before.

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