Half Truths, Here We Go

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Gore Warning Guys but meh haha

'Seriously?' Well they smiled a bit at least.

'Haha I thought it was good.'They rolled their eyes at me. I take a big breath and ready myself.

'I'm ready to talk.' Their eyes widen.


'I want to talk about it.' They look down.

'You don't have to...I've been pretty selfish recently.' They absently rub their arm, obviously feeling guilty. I guess we're both pretty messed up.

'Psh, don't worry about it. We were both being bitches but not the good kind like boss ass bitches, the bad kind like crazy girlfriend bitches .' They give a raspy laugh, something is being held back.

'I really do want to talk about it. You deserve to know.'I turn around and pull haskell through the door shutting it behind us. I let go of Haskells hand and move around the room picking up the bed covers that had fallen off the bed. After i delayed talking for about a good 5 minutes, I finally sat down and patted the spot next to me up near the head of the bed, leaning against the head of the bed. Haskell took the seat next to me, and turned to face me.

"So how do you want to do this? Do you want me to as questions or are you just gonna ramble?" They ask staring me in the eye.

"Uh could you ask questions? Maybe? I don't know how to start..." I reply fumbling my hands in my lap

"Yeah alright.... uh well how did everything start?"

"Well you remember the day I went missing right?," I wait for their nod before continuing, "Well a man asked to see me at work and I went to see him. I think he was wearing all black or something, he kind of looked like us so his story was believable. He said that he was our brother. I didn't believe him so I went to lunch with him to have him explain everything. And he knew things that I know I didn't tell anyone, things like my first Teddy's name, and your favourite cats name and he was so believable, and he asked to drive me home, to come see you. He must have slipped something in my drink while we were talking because I only remember getting into the car and nothing else." I ramble for a bit emotion building up behind my words becoming frustrated with my own stupidity.

"Wow... man that must have sucked," Haskell awkwardly states.

"Yeah, yeah it did. Anyway I woke up and I was strapped to... uh and bench, i think maybe, it's still a bit fuzzy. I think I was laying there for about 3 maybe 4 hours alone. I had given up trying to escape by the time he showed up. Not the man that kidnapped me, I actually never saw him again. No but this man-' i cut myself off to take a deep breath and relax my tense hands, and continue, ' heh if you can call him that really he was like a giant monster that was in love with death. He talked for a while, had me gagged the whole time, then he took the gag off and I spat in his face and swore at him continuously it was pretty funny and probably the wrong thing to do because he started doing things to me. Nothing bad.. Yet...just small things like cuts on arms and big bruises that went purple instantly. You know the small stuff. Then I was chucked in a holding cell for...... uh I actually don't know how long it was, maybe two weeks or something. I had food but it only came in sparingly and trust me i tried to count the plate but sometimes they would come one after the other and sometimes they wouldn't come for ages. I got into a routine though, so luckily I didn't go insane. It wasn't until, I think about 2 weeks maybe, that /he/ showed up again. He took me to this corridor and locked me in. he said i had to look, he needed me to see what would happen if i didn't cooperate with him. So I walked the length of the corridor before realizing that there were doors. So i tried them all, but only one was open. I walked in and saw the most disgusting thing in the world and I couldn't even do anything, and things were everywhere, and I tried the door, but it wouldn't open and i could escape and things got bigger and-' i was cut off by Haskell hugging me. Only then i realised i was crying.

'You don't have to continue if its bad for you to remember."

'No no I want to tell you, you really need to know," I paused for a bit reorganising my thoughts, and took a deep breath before continuing," after the whole hall thing /he/ visited me regularly. Food was still scarce and he continually abused me, one time he put this metal neck thing on me and it had detachable features, and one of them was this fork like thing, another literally stuck pins into my mouth if I even spoke. This was just the beginning though. He was just warming up. He moved up the torture chain as my pain tolerance went up. Things from small slashes to sawing a leg off then using some doctor thing to put it back together." I rolled up my pants showing her the surgical scars. " he went all out man, once he realised what he could do there was no stopping him. After ages of going through this pain and suffering he gave me an out and it was a horrible way out. He said I can see you again, if and only if I, myself, physically remove something from the inside of my body. He gave me all the tools Haskell, and I really really really wanted to see you again...," I lifted my shirt to just above my belly button showing two giant scars Criss crossing over my stomach, " so I got rid of my uterus. I carved my body up, physically held my uterus in my hand just to please this man so I could see you again. But he didn't let me, he didn't let me see you-" my voice cracked as it rose almost to the point of yelling " he made me a promise, but like the stupid idiot I am I didn't read the fine print, because he just fucking showed me a picture of you as a baby, a fucking baby, I couldn't even tell if it was you or not. He tricked me. That's not even the worse part he left me without food or help for a long time I had to sow myself back together, and I was starving Haskell I was so hungry I couldn't even think, it was just sitting there and I ate it I fucking ate it, like the sick bitch I am I ate it." I clutched my stomach rocking back and forth.

"What did you eat Ceil? What is so disgusting?" Haskell asked trying to get my attention, trying to make me look in their eyes, still rocking where I sat I looked up at them staring them in the eyes, without looking away I lifted my hand from its place around my ribs and slowly pointed. Haskell followed it with their eyes, I watched as their expression became horrified once she realised where I was pointing,

Right at the big scar on my stomach.

Slice Of Life: F*cked Up VersionWhere stories live. Discover now