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**Use of homophobic language**

"Good morning." Carol said cheerfully as she noticed Valkyrie stir from her sleep. She groaned in response and buried her head further into the pillow.

"Stop it." She murmured.

"Stop what?"

"Being so happy in the morning. It's not right." Carol chuckled quietly and kissed Valkyrie softly on the nose.

Her eyes fluttered open to meet Carol's and she couldn't help but smile. Her smile was contagious.

"I'm only happy because I'm laying next to the woman I love... and last night keeps playing in my mind." She said and bit her lip.

"I bet it is. My thighs hurt by the way." Valkyrie said. Carol laughed and moved closer to Valkyrie who extended her arm out to allow Carol to rest her head in the crook of Vallkyrie's neck. "But it's worth it."


"Val." Amy, one of Valkyrie's best players, called to her. The team were still getting ready in the changing rooms when the other girl approached Valkyrie.

"What's up?" Valkyrie asked in a relaxed tone. Amy seemed to hesitate before she spoke.

"So... you know how this team aren't exactly the friendliest bunch?"

"Considering where they're from it's not surprising."

"Yeah, well to put it bluntly...they're kind of racist too and homophobic and it honestly wouldn't surprise me if they were sexist towards themselves." Valkyrie nodded promptly and showed no emotion. "Not all of them of course, just..."

"Most of them?"

"Yeah. Listen I'm not trying to scare you or anything."

"I know that, Amy."

"It's just I knew this last time and didn't tell you because I thought it would be pointless and we wouldn't see them again, but now here we are and they'll be trying harder and probably doing whatever it takes to win. I don't want to worry you, I'm just giving you a heads up. Be careful out there. They're competitive."

"So am I."


"Ow." Valkyrie winced as she got up from the ground. Amy's suspicions were right. It didn't take a genius to realise Valkyrie was being tackled more than anyone else, and for invalid reasons.

Valkyrie could feel the anger boiling inside her but she pushed it to the back of her mind the best she could. The last time she'd been involved in a fight during a game it hadn't ended well for her. Sure, the other player ended up in a lot worse physical condition but Valkyrie had been benched for a while.


"Again! How did that help you?" Carol exclaimed and Thor nodded in agreement.

"They are more aggressive this time, that's for sure." Thor stated.

"Only to Valkyrie." Carol muttered. She was starting to get worried for Valkyrie's safetly. She couldn't help but find herself running the worst possible scenarios through her mind, every one of them made her feel sick. "She's got this." Carol told herself more than Thor.

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