a slow morning

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sorry just a side note, i wrote all of this in a span of a week and i didn't edit most of them, so like yeah please don't stab me or anything :)

it's been months since i published this but it's been brought to my attention that i should put a trigger warning for transphobic slurs: though it only really comes up once. sorry for those who were affected by it.
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Gerard Way was something of a tragedy.

The reasons were endless- they were longer than the penis of Brendon Urie's ego.

The red headed boy was not only academically tragic, but socially too. He was the type of person to google 'how to make people like you', and still somehow end up with little to no friends.

Though, the boy did have around two friends, and one of them was biologically and ethnically obliged to be his friend. Whilst the other was basically there for his said biological attachment.

And maybe that was a tad bit sad, but then again, Gerard Way was nothing short of the physical feeling of being underwhelmed.

From his need to bitch and complain during PE, to his incredibly feminine fashion sense, the boy just couldn't do much right. Including putting on his shoes on one particular Monday morning.

Gerard's spectacularly disappointing mind was so far gone into his lust after sleep, that at seventeen years of age; he had forgotten how to tie his shoes. Not only that, but he was so emotionally undernourished, that when both his mother and brother screamed at him for making them late, he merely smiled and thanked them both.

The car ride to school was a drawn out one, mainly because midway Gerard was practically shoved out of the car. It wasn't moving, but the sentiment remained.

Apparently his family hated it when he rambled on about things that he found interesting. Although, in all fairness, maybe talking on and on about David Bowie's sex appeal was too strong for an early Monday morning.

Gerard had walked to school at an incredibly slow pace, knowing full well that he was already late as it were, so being a few extra... twenty minutes wouldn't matter.

Walking to school wasn't a problem for the red head. What was a problem however, was the fact that the loose ankle length jeans and baby pink shirt he was wearing were doing nothing against the harsh breeze.

He could feel goosebumps begin to graze his soft pale skin, and he stuffed his hands awkwardly in his small jean pockets. The boy's red hair flowed in every direction as the wind hit him.

By the time he made it to the school building, his cheeks were a rosy shade and his lip was quivering annoyingly. Not only that, but Gerard was around 75% sure class was almost over, and he hadn't even made an appearance yet.

The reaction Gerard received when he walked into the Biology lab late, was probably the most amusing thing anyone in that class would ever have the displeasure of witnessing.

"Mr Way, do you have any idea what time it is?" Ms Hector asked in disbelief, crossing her arms.

"Uh, I'm assuming too late?" The red head mumbled weakly. He ran a shaky hand through his tasseled hair, and looking up at her with a somewhat bored expression.

"Go sit down." She sighed, turning back around to face the board.

"Will do." He hummed, dragging himself tiredly to the back seat of the stuffy classroom.

Since it was practically the end of class, he didn't really bother getting out his stationary, instead he just propped up an elbow and put his chin against his palm. He could almost feel the wave of sleep rush over him, and if he didn't have even an ounce of the self control he had, he would have fallen asleep.

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