arguing solves almost everything

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"Gerard, have any ideas for our group project?" Frank asked as he walked into the classroom the following day.

"I finished it." He mumbled, not looking up from his book.

"You what?" Frank asked with raised eyebrows.

Gerard sighed, lifting his head up to look at a smokey-eyed Frank.

"I finished it." He said again with a strong tone.

"Fucking- I didn't want to sing but this is still a group project, you dick." The Punk exclaimed, plopping down next to the tired red head.

"Y-You told me to do something, so I did! Besides, I still don't have any of the music figured out... Just the lyrics." Gerard murmured, taking his notebook out of his bag and passing it to Frank.

The boy grumbled and read over it, soon nodding. "Okay, it's good. I play guitar so I can do that, and... we can just use GarageBand or some shit for the drums."

Gerard nodded slowly, "Did you really like it? Or are you just saying that?" He asked quietly.

Frank laughed, "Yes, it's good. Give yourself some credit."

The red head blushed softly and nodded again out of habit. The other laughed quietly, turning back around in his seat.

The two were quiet until a loud voice interrupted the two.

"Hey, Geetard! I saw you run into a pole this morning- you looked like an idiot." Tim belly laughed, shoving Gerard's back.

The pale boy grunted and looked down, not responding. Frank looked at him expectantly but he said nothing.

"What? Cat's got your tongue?" The boy continued to tease, fully aware that he was probably the biggest dick in the whole tristate area.

"Fuck off, Timothy." Frank mumbled in annoyance.

Tim merely laughed, ruffling Gerard's bright hair before walking off.

"Okay, what the fuck was that?" Frank asked once the boy was out of sight.

"What?" The red murmured, rubbing a hand through his messy hair.

"'What?'- you just fucking let Tim piss all over you!" He exclaimed, staring at Gerard unwaveringly.

"What do you want from me?" The pale boy asked with a void tone.

"How do you always act like this weak little fucking- horse baby... around those shitheads? And then when you're with me you act all snappy and badass?" Frank asked in disbelief, his eyes wide with curiosity.

"It's not like that... I just talk back when I want to... and I didn't want to." The red head defended weakly, staring down at his hands.

"Bullshit," Frank groaned before laughing, "you're just a pussy."

"I'm n-not-"

"Then why are you so different around people?" The Punk prodded, leaning in.

"I'm not!"

"Yes you are!" The shorter boy snapped.

"J-Just fucking- mind your own business for once!" Gerard screamed, screwing his eyes shut.

The room fell silent, everyone having stopped talking when they heard the usually quiet Gerard scream.

"Calm down... Jeez." Frank mumbled, looking over Gerard's tense and angry looking form.

"I-... leave me alone, Frank." The red head whispered, his eyes watering up for practically no reason at all.

"Are you crying?" The other asked with a surprised face.

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