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"Frank, what happened?" Gerard gasped when he saw Frank at his locker after school.

The punk had been missing from all of his classes due to multiple detention blocks, and trips to the nurse. Gerard had been worried senseless, and also a bit anxious about what had happened in the locker room- but mostly worried.

"It's nothing." Frank said nonchalantly, as if his busted lip, black eye, and what looked to be a stitched up cheek didn't mean anything.

"Frank, you're seriously hurt. What the fuck do you mean 'it's nothing'?"

"Fuck off, will you?" Frank hissed as he slammed his locker shut. Gerard jumped back in surprise, not having had Frank use such a harsh tone with him in a while.

They were friends now, so usually they didn't get snappy with each other. Unless it was in a joking context.

"O-Okay.." The pastel boy murmured, turning to head to his own locker.

He felt Frank tug at his wrist, "I'm sorry, Gee.. I didn't mean to snap at you." He said quietly.

Gerard smiled weakly at him, "It's fine, I get it."

Frank returned the small smile, rolling his shoulders and letting out a small sigh. "So, you coming to mine or are we going to yours?"

"Uh, my mom's gone for a business trip for a few days, so I guess mine?" The red head suggested as they started walking out of the school doors.

"Oooh, score." Frank smirked, causing Gerard to laugh quietly.

They walked in a calming silence, just looking ahead.

It wasn't long before they arrived at the Way household. Frank had been over at his house only a couple times since usually they went to Frank's.

"Yo, Mikes, we're home!" Gerard called out as he walked into the kitchen with Frank.

Mikey had stayed home from school due to some made up illness he had gotten from made up reasons. Since their mother wasn't home, and Gerard wasn't bothered, he got a free pass.

"Aye, tomato head." Mikey laughed as he walked into the kitchen too. Frank snorted when Geared slapped the back of mikey's head.

"I've been waiting for you to come home." He sighed, leaning against the counter.

"Why?" Gerard asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"Because I'm hungry." Mikey stated as if it was obvious.

"Then make yourself food?"

"Good one." Mikey laughed, soon turning to face Frank. "Hey, Frank."

"Hi Mikey." Frank greeted with a vague nod.

Soon the younger Way left the kitchen and migrated to his own respective bedroom.

"D'you want anything?" Gerard asked as he looked over at the other.

Frank shrugged and shook his head. Gerard returned the shrug and the two made their way to Gerard's bedroom. Once they got there, Gerard took a seat on his bed, leaning against the headboard.

Frank day across from him, giving Gerard a lopsided smile.

It was quiet for a minute before Frank made a little noise of happiness, "Oh! I forgot to tell you, but Mr Weekes told me that we got an A."

Gerard gasped with a smile, "That's so great!" He exclaimed.

"Yeah." Frank mumbled, wincing a bit when his smile affected his cheek.

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