oh the irony

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Gerard stared at Frank as he walked up on the stage with his guitar. Something that, although Gerard wouldn't admit anymore, was still quite nice.

"Um, before I start, I'd just like to say that this song is for... this song is for someone who has every right to hate me. Someone that I hurt. It's a shit excuse for an apology." Frank said quietly into the microphone, and Gerard would have blushed, he would have been flustered, expect he fucking wasn't.


Because little Gerard Way was so far gone that he could barley comprehend what the fuck Frank was even talking about. Even with the short boy intensely staring at him, he still doubted the song about be about him- nonetheless for him.

"No one here has much to say, we weren't listening anyway.
But I got a feeling things are about to get much worse, before they get worse.
I'm not too good at feeling good, at least not the way I thought I would.
And this ugly winter's been creeping into my fall, and I hit a wall where...

Nothing seems to matter and no one seems to bother anymore.
But I've been down this road once before, and I've stared down the barrel of my heart.
It broke completely when I shifted the blame, but I guess fools we don't change.

Don't listen to me, because I'll let you down.

Maybe a better man would bet on this losing hand, but I'd rather fold and walk away on my own legs while they can carry me.
Nothing seems to matter and no one seems to bother anymore.

But I've been down this road once before and I've stared down the barrel of my heart.
It stopped completely when they took you away, but I guess victims we don't change.

But don't take it from me, because I'll let you down

Is there something you wanna tell me?
Please don't hold back now.
I've been waiting so long for you to meet me.
Please don't turn back now.
I think about it all the time, I couldn't miss you any more than I do...

But I've been down this road once before and I've stared down the barrel of my heart.
You smiled so sweetly as you twisted your blade, but I guess villains don't change.
But don't listen to me, because I'll let you down again.

I'll let you down again, over again.
Yeah I'll let you down." He finished with a frown.

Some clapped whilst others just stare wide eyed. Gerard looked unbothered by the whole performance, unaffected by the fact that Frank looked hurt by his lack of reaction.

"Alright, thank you Frank, that's the end of class!" Mr Weekes sighed.

Everyone got up and left, Gerard being one of the last. He absently walked down the hallway, flinching when he felt someone grab his wrists forcefully.

"Gerard, can we talk?" Frank asked just above a whisper.

"Oh, the irony." Gerard halfheartedly snickered, turning back around to walk off.

"No, seriously. I need to tell you something-"

"Frank, do you even realise how much of a hypocrite you are? Just leave me alone." The red head ordered weakly, pulling his hand out of the boy's grasp.

Frank sighed before grabbing the back of Gerard's shirt and pulling him into the nearest unoccupied room, which happened to be the janitors closet.

He locked the door behind him and walked over to the other, "Look, we need to talk, and I guess I'll start..."

Gerard just gave him an unimpressed look and sighed in annoyance.

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