a panic attack with a dash of support

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if you want, you can listen to 'don't try' whilst gerard sings it... some of the song doesn't line up exactly due to like other things being said but it feels cool reading it with the song!

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"Can I tell you something?" Frank asked randomly.

The two were still in Frank's room, having pretty much finished the song. They had decided to just lay back and do nothing until Gerard finally had the core strength to walk down a few stairs and call his mom to pick him up.

So that's what they were doing. Nothing.

"Yeah?" Gerard asked, spinning around on Frank's desk chair.

"Y'know the first time we met, and I pulled your shirt and shit?" He asked, propping himself on his elbows to face Gerard from his laying position on the bed.

"Yeah, the same day I got punched."

"I said sorry for that," The boy mumbled, rolling his eyes, "I actually-"

"Hey, boys. I just wanted to ask if Gerard, will you be staying for dinner?" Ms Iero asked as she burst into the room.

"Mom, come on." Frank groaned, throwing his head back in annoyance.

Gerard laughed but shook his head, "Um, actually I think I should start going home."

Frank perked at this and sat up, "You're going?"

"I should be." He replied, checking the time on his phone. He winced when he saw three missed calls from Mikey.

"Alright, well I hope to see you again, sweetheart." She smiled warmly, leaving the room again.

"So, um, I guess I'll see you Monday?" Frank asked, awkwardly playing with his hands.

"Yeah, guess so." Gerard says, smacking his lips in some habitual habit he never dropped after middle school.

Something he now realised wasn't cool or quirky, but just something only an absolute abomination to humanity would do.

"Cool." The punk boy muttered, watching as Gerard clumsily gathered up all of his things and walked to the door.

"See you." He smiled awkwardly.

"See you." Frank responded, staring at Gerard with something Gerard couldn't quite place.

The red head nodded, slowly making his way through the small hallway down down the stairs. He said one last goodbye to Frank's mother before leaving the house.

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"So how was it? What did you do? Are you guys dati-"

"Mikey, shut the fuck up." Gerard whined, covering his eyes with his hands.

"But you just went on your first date!" The younger boy exclaimed with excited eyes.

"It wasn't a date- we're barley friends!" The boy uttered, with a small frown.

Because wow, admitting he had no friends out loud didn't really make him feel all that good. Shockingly.

"Then why were you guys hanging out?" Mikey asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Because we needed to work on our music project." The red head answered easily.

"And why couldn't you just stay late and work on it in the music rooms? That is allowed." Mikey crept closer to his tired brother, determined to find out exactly what statues his and Frank's non-existent relationship was at.

Don't Try ♧ Frerard Where stories live. Discover now