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"So, how's your school newspaper shit going?" Frank asked through the phone.

Him and Gerard had been phoning for around four hours, talking about nothing and everything all at the same time. It was nearing 1am, and they just couldn't bring themselves to hang up.

Luckily they didn't have too many hardcore subjects the following day, so they could get away with being completely sleep deprived.

"It's okay," Gerard sighed as he looked up at his bedroom ceiling. "I haven't done much since I don't really care, but Mr Carlson said he's been likin' it."

"That's cool, though Mr Carlson is a bit of a dick."

"A bit? Dude, he's probably the biggest dick out there- which is ironic since he probably has the smallest dick in all of New Jersey." Gerard laughed, receiving a giggle from Frank.

"Perfectly put, Gee." Frank breathed with a chuckle.

Gerard smiled to himself at the nickname. He had been getting used to Frank calling him a variety of names, ranging from 'Gee' to 'Gee-Gee' and the occasional 'Geebear'.

He might have gotten used to him being called things, but that didn't mean he stopped blushing every time they were said. The only thing Gerard had improved at, is not falling on his ass every two seconds.

"Don't we have English first thing tomorrow?" Frank asked after a few moments.

"Yeah," The red head groaned, "shit, did we have homework?"

"It's not like I would know." Frank sneered, brushing it off.

"That is not very helpful, Franklin." Gerard said as he rolled off his bed and to his desk. He ignored Frank's little noise of anger and instead looked over his homework for the past week.

"Oh, fuck." He said quietly as he pulled out a template for an essay. "Do we have a fucking essay due tomorrow?"

"Dude, you were in class. Shouldn't you know?"

"I zone most of it out, but that's not the point. I can't write up a fucking essay right now." Gerard insisted in a whiny tone.

"Well, what're you gonna do?" Frank asked absently.

"I don't know, I'm already failing. Maybe if I write up a newspaper article instead he'll let it go..." The pale boy pondered, eventually shrugging to himself and opening his notebook.

"I'll see you tomorrow then. Bye, man." Frank laughed.

"Bye Frank." Gerard murmured back, soon hanging up.

Well, this would be a long night.

- -

Gerard literally squawked when he felt someone pull his hair harshly. He was turned around by Bob and shoved up against a nearby locker.

The pastel boy groaned at the feeling, just wishing he could change into his PE clothes in peace.

"What's up, Way-Gay?" Bob jested, as he clutched Gerard's lanky frame.

"N-Nothing.." Gerard whimpered sheepishly.

"What was that?" Bob mocked with a taunting grin.

"He said fuck off before I rip out your eyes and shove them up your dick." A voice threatened behind the two.

Frank stood there in all of his glory. His arms crossed over his chest and an angry look spread across his face.

Gerard smiled weakly at him, but frowned again when Bob turned back to face him.

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