#LockerRoomMoments [p.2]

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Gerard and Frank didn't speak for a week.

Gerard still cried every chance he got, and avoided Frank like the plague. The only interaction they had was when the red head was taking a picture of Brendon and Frank was in the way.

He had to ask the boy to move, and they both practically started crying.

Music class had become more and more awkward. Every music assignment made by Frank was self hating and apologetic, whilst Gerard's was a happy melody behind a fucked message.

The red head could tell Frank noticed, just as Gerard noticed how tired Frank looked and how upset he came off. It wasn't as if it bothered Gerard, their friendship was over.

It didn't matter how the punk was feeling.

Mr Carlson had been enjoying Gerard's pictures and articles very much, much to Gerard's obvious displeasure. Because now he was obligated to write them, which was a real bitch.

The only somewhat okay thing happening was Mikey and Pete's relationship was fluorescing into something very cute. They were oblivious to Gerard's knowledge on the matter, but it didn't matter much.

Gerard had also let his red dyed hair grow out a bit, due to his refusal to take care of himself. It was uneven and dormant weird, but he didn't mind. It wasn't like he needed to impress anyone.

The pale boy sighed tiredly as he walked into the locker rooms, dreading PE. He had been doing a fine job of skipping class, but Coach Cooper was catching on so he didn't really have a choice but to attend today.

He changed into his navy uniform as quickly as he could before putting away his things and heading out to the field. Well, he attempted to head to the field, but the distant sounds of yelling caught his attention.

Gerard's ears perked up at the sound of his name. And as bad of a decision as it was, he decided to follow the voices.

He instantly regretted when he did.

The red head was met with Frank and Tim, shouting back and forth about things Gerard couldn't even comprehend.

"You're just a dick." Frank barked, crossing his arms confidently.

"Well if that were true, why don't you come over and blow me? Y'know, since you like dicks so much, Gaylord." Tim almost immediately received a harsh punch to his jaw, grunting as he held it in his hands.

Gerard really could have laughed at what Tim thought bullying was- it sounded more like suppressed homosexuality than anything. Of fucking course Frank clocked him anyway, but that was just Frank Iero being Frank Iero.

"I don't know why you're so offended," Tim snickered once he deemed his jaw fine, "you'll never be as gay as Geetard."

Gerard was of course unbothered by this. He had been called gay, and well, he was. So there really wasn't much harm done.

Besides, the boy was too busy trying to prevent himself from jumping off the school roof to care.

"Shut the fuck up." Frank warned, stepping closer to Tim.

"Oh, yeah. You guys like broke up or something.." The brown haired boy teased, "For what it's worth, I wouldn't want to be friends with him either." He leaned close to Frank's ear, and not so quietly whispered, "I heard he's got AIDS anyway."

Frank looked horrified, his eyes wide with disgust before he shoved Tim against the blood red lockers. He delivered three perfect punches to the boy's nose, causing blood to gush out.

"Run, before I break you." Frank whispered, menacingly.

Tim quickly rushed off to the field, clutching his bloody nose.

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