frank iero's hidden talent and mikey's condoms

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Gerard nearly stabbed his eye out as he applied eyeliner the next morning. He had attempted to dress his absolute best, from hair to shoes.

He had put on his blue wash overalls over his long sleeve white shirt. He had put on a thin layer of black pencil-eyeliner and a tiny amount of blush he had stolen from his mother. He had also managed to get his bright hair fluffy.

"Gee, we gotta go!" Mike screeched from downstairs, and Gerard didn't even flinch as he practically skipped downstairs.

He didn't know if he was cheery because it was Friday or because he would get to work on his song today. The only thing Gerard knew is that it was definitely not because he would be going to Frank's house.

Hell- Gerard didn't even like Frank.

As Gerard rushed out of the door with his brother, he couldn't help but grin at how sunny it was outside. Of course, that caused him to trip over the small step on the driveway and slam face first into concrete.

The tiny droplets of blood near his temple didn't put a damper on his day in any shape of form. Besides, the pain wasn't present yet and he wanted to enjoy every second before the gut-wrenching, hair-pulling, spit-on-your-neck-annoying, pain would set in.

Though, not many people were as dismissive as he was about the situation. Especially not his bitchy Chemistry teacher.

"Um, Gerard you seem to have hit yourself." The lady mumbled, peeking over at the rather large swollen mess near Gerard's forehead.

"Yup." He smiled, not saying anything more as he took his seat.

She turned to look at him with a raised eyebrow, "Aren't you going to go to the nurse? It looks bad.."

"It's fine, Miss." The red head assured, brushing back a strand of red hair behind his ear.

Funnily enough, he had received quite a few compliments on his appearance. Well, most were made my his mother and brother but one particular compliment came from Bob. And it might have.. totally been sarcastic.

But Gerard chose to believe that being called 'a sunburnt, albino girl' could be taken as a compliment. Which it definitely couldn't but no one had the guts to break the news to the poor boy.

Chemistry soon started, and Gerard's lab partner wasn't too keen on being around a fumbling, bleeding, probably mentally deranged boy. To say they almost blew up the entire school would have been something of an understatement.

Class didn't end too much later, and Gerard was one of the last ones to leave the classroom.

He head straight to his locker, putting away his unneeded binders before taking out his math books. Gerard didn't have much time to wander because the bell rang almost immediately and he had to bolt to his class.

- -

It was the end of the day when Frank resurfaced again. Gerard had been putting away his things in his locker when the boy greeted him.

"Gerard, there you are." Frank laughed as he slapped the red head on the back.

He had clearly been ignoring their little fight in the music room completely, though he didn't mention Tim anymore. So maybe he did learn something from Gerard's little mental breakdown.

"Hi, Frank." The pale boy attempted to grin, but the 'spit-on-your-neck' pain had finally set in, and it was giving him a huge headache. The blood had dried at least, so he didn't really think going to the nurse was necessary.

"You look nice," The shorter boy compliment with a tiny smile, "is that blood?"

"Yeah," Gerard sighed, shutting his locker, "I tripped on my driveway."

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