bathroom thoughts and Mikey's need for weed

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Gerard dragged his fingers through his knotted bright hair as he walked up Frank's driveway. He had spent so much time on picking his outfit and doing his eyeliner, that he basically forgot to do his hair.

It looked fine from far away, but close up it was a tangled mess.

But luckily his outfit was nice, he was wearing blue wash, ankle length jeans with a baby pink shirt. His pink shirt had actually shrunk mysteriously in the wash so it was actually quite tight on him.

Gerard rung the doorbell hesitantly as he looked at his surroundings, almost aww'ing when he saw a little sign that said 'We Ieros Like Oreos'. He flinched when the door opened suddenly.

"Hi Gerard!" Ms Iero beamed when she saw the pale boy.

Gerard plastered on the biggest grin he could muster, "Hey, Ms Iero."

"Oh you can just call me Linda, honey." The woman smiled, gesturing for him to come in. "Frank's in his room."

The boy nodded and slowly walked up to what he remembered to be Frank's bedroom. He heard loud music blasting through his bedroom door, and he immediately recognised it as Black Flag.

He attempted to knock but clearly the music was drowning the noise out so he opted to just walk in. And with the massive amounts of bad luck Gerard had, he managed to walk in and see Frank in nothing but his boxers.

He shrieked in alarm and covered his eyes, spinning around as fast as he could. Though he clearly didn't think about how dangerous it is to spin randomly because he managed to head butt the door.

Soon enough, the music was turned off and Gerard was left clutching his swelling head as Frank blushed and change into proper clothes.

"I'm sorry, Frank." Gerard whispered as he continued to hold his aching head.

He didn't know what was harder, him trying to forget Frank in tight black boxers, or the fact that he just publicly embarrassed himself for the umpteenth time.

"It's fine... Do you want ice for that?" Frank asked as Gerard turned around slowly to face him. The red head shook his head, putting down the hand that was on his head.

"So, um, happy Saturday?" Gerard said in a beyond awkward tone. He even attempted to do jazz hands but he failed.

The punk boy snorted and nodded before laying down on his unmade bed. Gerard shyly took a seat on the floor next to said bed.

They were quiet for a moment before Frank spoke up, "You look nice today."

The red head blushed almost immediately and let out chocked up, "Thank you."

"So... Do you want to play video games?" Frank asked randomly, sitting up to face the other. Gerard grinned and nodded, laughing when Frank sprung from his seat with a giddy smile.

- -

"So, I know this is weird to bring up but I just wanted to say that I really am sorry for freaking out before our music thing. And also for indirectly thrusting in your face." Gerard mumbled as they both had their eyes trained on the TV screen in front of them.

The sounds of the controllers and game noises filled the room, and Frank paused the game abruptly and turned to face Gerard.

"I get it." He said earnestly, "I know anxiety's a bitch, and although I come across like a heartless jerk, I do sympathise with people." Frank said with a small smile.

Gerard returned it, his gaze falling down to his controller as he blushed softly. He could feel Frank's eyes burning holes in his skin and he looked down.

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