the fuckin' end, man

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"Gee?" Frank asked as the two cuddled on Gerard's couch a few days later.

"Yeah?" The red head answered, turning to face the punk. Their arms were wrapped around each other as they absently watched TV.

"Why don't you wear your pastel clothes anymore?" He asked quietly, looking down at the boy in his arms.

Gerard shrugged, not looking away from the screen. Frank frowned, shifting to pause the television.

"No really, why?" He asked again, nudging the boy's side with his thumb.

"I..." The boy pointedly trailed off, "I don't want to."

"Why don't you?"

"I- I don't know... I just, it doesn't give me the comfort it used to." Gerard settled on saying. It wasn't really the truth but it wasn't exactly a lie.

The real reason he had stopped was because he couldn't find it in himself to be the person he was before. It really was ridiculous how broken he felt after Frank ditched him.

"Aw, I miss your cute overalls." Frank whined quietly, laughing when the red head blushed and looked down.

The two were quiet for a moment before Frank lifted Gerard's chin up and placed a small kiss. Gerard tried to return it, but he was still quite new at showing affection, so he accidentally ended up slapping Frank's cheek instead of carefully placing his hand over it.

"Fuck, I'm so sorry-"

"S'okay." The other whispered with a smile before repeating his action, this time slowly bringing Gerard's hand to his cheek. The red head shuffled around so that their positioning was a bit more comfortable.

They kissed passionately, Gerard trying his hardest not to accidentally sneeze or something random like that. He slowly trailed his hand down Frank's cheek and to his neck. The red head gripped the hair on Frank's neck softly, hesitant about initiating anything.

Though the moment he heard Frank's little groan of appreciation, he mentally fist bumped the air. Frank carefully ran his tongue along Gerard lower lip, wordlessly asking for entrance.

Gerard however, didn't take it as that, and instead pulled back immediately and made a grossed out face.

"What was that for?" He asked with red cheeks.

Frank laughed with a raised eyebrow, "Is this your first make out session?"

Gerard chocked on air, coughing violently.

"F-First m-make out session? No- no, I've had.. sex before. Actually, um, I'm such a pro- I-I did it when I was like... ten- fuck no-" Gerard was practically having a mental breakdown, Frank giggling a little at the other.

"Gee, it's fine if I was your first kiss. I think it's cute." He smiled warmly, brushing a strand of hair away from the boy's face.

"It's not, but thanks for saying that." Gerard blushed, kissing the side of Frank's mouth as he got up slowly.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom." He explained softly, almost tripping as he made his way to the small room.

Gerard gingerly made his way to the restroom, taking little breaths as he did. He had to mentally psych himself up to have Frank's tongue in his mouth.

Maybe it wouldn't feel so weird once he got used to it...

The boy fixed himself up a bit in the bathroom mirror, before hurrying back to Frank. The punk smiled when the boy came back, petting his lap invitingly.

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