the harrowing pe lesson

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The only thing worse than being in a classroom full of teenagers, was being in a changing room full of teenage boys.

A room filled with hormonal, idiotic teenage boys was already dreadful, but add nakedness to the mix, and you've got yourself a personalised Hell. Though, it wasn't the general nakedness of Gerard's peers that was the problem, it was the extremely homosexual part of himself that made it a problem.

Now, as much of an idiot as Gerard was, he never "checked people out" in the locker room. He was stupid but he wasn't gross and perverted.

Fortunately though, Gerard wasn't the only gay in the whole school. There were plenty of homosexual people in their grade, a few names that came to mind were Ryan Ross, Jack Barakat, Sarah Orzechowski and, well, Brendon Urie just looked gay.

The pale boy squeaked in surprise when someone tapped him on the shoulder. His red hair flew over his face as he spun around, the tangled mess covering his eyes and tickling his nose.

Class was about to start and there were boys changing everywhere, Gerard himself had just put on his gym shorts and loose navy blue shirt.

The boy in front of him laughed and Gerard's cheeks grew hot as he brushed some strands of long hair out of his face.

"Yes?" He asked with a small voice crack.

"I think your shirt's on backwards." The short, somewhat intimidating boy snickered.

Gerard's cheeks flushed and looked down. Only to find his shirt was correctly put on. He looked back up to scold the strange boy, but once he did, the stranger had left.

The red head's eyebrows furrowed and he sighed before heading out to the field where most of the class was.

"Okay class, today we'll be playing soccer. The team captains will be Toro and Bryar." Coach Cooper sighed, putting away his clipboard and heading to the sidelines of the field, probably hoping the teams will work out themselves.

"I pick Alex." Ray said, laughing when the other brown haired boy strutted to the front cockily.

"I pick Brendon." Bob sighed. His eyes trailed the people in the class until they landed on Gerard, and a snarky grin spread across his face.




Gerard didn't even have time to wonder who the hell this Frank was, because all of the sudden Bob fucking Bryar said his name. And he felt his eyes widen as the blonde boy gestured for him to come to over.

The red head stumbled to the group of boys. Brendon laughed and pat Gerard on the head as the other pouted.

Gerard should have been happy that he was picked, but he wasn't. Simply because whenever he was put in Bob's team, he would always get tackled to the ground or at least hit with a ball- by the members on his own team.

Soon the teams were complete, and they moved to opposite sides of the field. Luckily though, Gerard wasn't put in goal this time. Well, he was made defence but he would take what he could get.

Ryan, who was on the other team, started with the ball, passing it to his teammate before advancing.

And unfortunately for Gerard, and everyone on his team, it was his time to shine. The red head gulped before clumsily kicking Alex's shins and getting the ball away from the boy.

He screeched internally in victory, and nearly had a heart attacked when Bob shoved him to the ground and stole the ball. Gerard sighed loudly and laid on his back, staring up at the cloud-littered sky.

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