2 - DM (Rose & Albus)

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DM: (rosieisred, al.potter)

@rosieisred: Al, you're killing yourself by looking at Priya's posts and commenting compliments on them.

@al.potter: its fine i am okay and i want him to be happy

@al.potter: his happiness is all i want

@rosieisred: You are cute and sweet and nice and you have such deep compassion and you will find someone out there for you. And for what it's worth, I still think Scorpius loves you.

@al.potter: ily rosie but please don't feel bad for me cause it just makes me feel worse

@rosieisred: Well, even with you not taken into consideration, I think Scorpius can do way better than Priya. She is kind of a bitch and I am pretty sure she hates me for no reason. I tried to talk to her last week and she spent, like, two minutes ignoring me before she said she "zoned out for a sec."

@al.potter: yeah thats priya for you but she is a safe gf option for him and scorp isnt one to take risks which is why in the end it doesnt matter if he loves me or not

@al.potter: not that he does anyway

@rosieisred: Well, anyway, back to my main point: looking at Priya's posts with Scorpius is bad.

@al.potter: its like a car crash tho

@al.potter: all i wanna do is look away but i just cant

@rosieisred: I understand, but you have to stop obsessing.

@rosieisred: Besides, things change.

@al.potter: every time you say "things change" vaguely it means you are gonna get involved

@al.potter: rosie

@al.potter: no rosie

Read 6:24 PM.

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