25 - DM (Rose, Albus, Scorpius, & Kitty), DM (Arlo & Rose)

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Groupchat: the gang (rosieisred, kitty_.cat, s.malfoy, al.potter)


@s.malfoy: omg how am i already annoyed by this conversation after one text.

@rosieisred: What's up Kitty?

@kitty_.cat: i uhhhhh like a girl?????

@al.potter: OMG WHO

@kitty_.cat: idk if you know her 🥺 scorpius is gonna say something meannnn.

@s.malfoy: i am gonna say something mean if you don't tell us who it is rn anyway, so you might as well just tell us.

@kitty_.cat: uhhhh her name is phuong

@s.malfoy: please do not tell me it is that girl who is an obvious 10 that you were chatting with during potions yesterday.

@kitty_.cat: 😳

@al.potter: omg phuong dao???????? i love her she is so pretty and nice

@kitty_.cat: ikr!?!?!?!?!

@s.malfoy: it's never gonna happen. she is way out of kitty's league.

@al.potter: wdym kitty is rlly hot

@kitty_.cat: thanks al, f you scorp

DM: (rosieisred, arlo.arlo)

@rosieisred: Heyyy.

@arlo.arlo: Oh hey what's up?

@rosieisred: So I just kind of want us to be official.

@arlo.arlo: Oh? You do?

@rosieisred: Yes.

@arlo.arlo: It's just that I started to try and talk to you about where this is going yesterday and you got uncomfortable.

@rosieisred: I know, and I'm sorry.

@arlo.arlo: You don't have to apologize. I guess I just want to know what changed.

@rosieisred: I guess I just needed more time to think, and now I'm sure.

@arlo.arlo: I wanna be completely honest with you Rose. After you were so vague yesterday I reflected on things between us. I really like you but you seem to have really lost interest lately. Before yesterday we didn't talk for three days. I miss you when we don't talk. I think you seem like a really great girl but we just don't have that connection.

@rosieisred: Oh, ok.

@arlo.arlo: I'm sorry.

@rosieisred: It's okay, I understand.

A/N: So I am adding a new character to this story, and her name is Phuong Dao. She is in the same year as Kitty, Scorpius, Rose, etc., and her username is @duhitsphuong !

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