28 - Hugo, DM (Lily, Albus, & Scorpius)

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the only girl in my world (tagged: princess_priya)

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the only girl in my world (tagged: princess_priya)

132 likes, 5 comments

@rosieisred: Hugo, cut it out. This is not okay.

@hugo_gw: @rosieisred stop micro-controlling me and go live your own life lmaoooo.

@rosieisred: @hugogw this can only end badly for you.

@hugo_gw: @rosieisred lmaooo okay

@princess_priya: My babyyyyyy come over, imy.

Groupchat: confession (al.potter, s.malfoy, lilypotter)

@al.potter: soooo lils

@al.potter: y'know how i told you i would tell you who i am dating???

@lilypotter: ofc

@al.potter: well it is time

@lilypotter: omg really??

@lilypotter: why is scorp in this gc tho

@s.malfoy: we'll give you a sec to think about it.

@lilypotter: ?????

@lilypotter: OHHHHHHH

@s.malfoy: yeeeeeeah.

@lilypotter: congrats you two!!! i support you wholeheartedly.

@lilypotter: who else knows??

@al.potter: you, kitty, rose

@lilypotter: that's it? and no parents?

@s.malfoy: HAHAHAHA def not our parents; my parents think i am still with priya.

@lilypotter: yiiiiikes dude you gotta tell them

@s.malfoy: me and al will tell my parents when he comes over for christmas; my parents aren't homophobic (bc they still love kitty ofc) so i am mostly worried about the fact that i am dating a potter.

@al.potter: and i will tell my parents after the wedding 😳✌️

@lilypotter: yeah nopeee i will tell them wayyy before that.

@lilypotter: you have until you guys are so damn cute that i get impatient.

@al.potter: LILY

@lilypotter: sorry i don't make the rules. oh wait i do lmaooooo.

A/N: Heyyyy, sorry for another annoying note, but I just have a suggestion, and I just want to know if you guys are interested! I was thinking of writing a chapter with different one-shots that take place before the time when the story starts so you can learn more about the characters and their relationships. I have a lot of head-cannons that, in my opinion, really help you to understand the characters and their personalities. However, if you think that would be boring, let me know because I don't want to waste time on something nobody wants to read!! Also, I added the ages of each character when the story starts in the intro chapter; the story starts in early September 2021, so each character's age is in respect to that.

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