18 - DM (Scorpius & Albus), DM (Rose, Albus, & Kitty)

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DM: (al.potter, s.malfoy)

@s.malfoy: Hey.

@al.potter: oh hi!

@s.malfoy: So i just feel like we haven't talked as much lately.

@al.potter: uhhh

@al.potter: yeah ig not

@s.malfoy: I am sorry, Albus. I have been so absorbed in my personal issues that I am screwing everything up with you.

@al.potter: no no you dont need to apologize!!!!

@s.malfoy: But I do. I have made you feel bad and you deserve to feel good.

@al.potter: really, dont apologize scorpius you did nothing wrong

@s.malfoy: Just... hear me out for a second.

@al.potter: uhhhhhhh ok


Groupchat: the kitty girls (rosieisred, kitty_.cat, al.potter)

@al.potter: guys im literally choking scorpius is sending me serious text messages with proper capitalization and everything and he is probably typing like a whole paragraph rn

@kitty_.cat: omg tea tell us what he says!!

@rosieisred: It isn't our business, Kitty.

@kitty_.cat: fine, you're right. don't tell rose what he is saying al, just me.

@rosieisred: KITTY.

@al.potter: i am gonna tell both of u cause kitty is right, this is tea

@al.potter: in all seriousness i am so nervous thooooooo omg

@rosieisred: Don't be.

@al.potter: i feel like u know smth rosie


DM: (al.potter, s.malfoy)

@s.malfoy: So here's the thing. I know I have been distant lately, but it's not because of anything you did. This is really hard for me to say, so bear with me. I just... Albus, I like you. No, actually, I love you.

@s.malfoy: Like, I'm gay.

@s.malfoy: And I love you.

@s.malfoy: And I know I probably just ruined everything, and I know I should tell you this to your face, but I can't, and you don't have to love or even like me back or anything. But I love you. And I never meant to make you think that I don't want to be your friend or anything, so I'm sorry about all that.

@s.malfoy: Sorry for ruining everything. I just realized that I couldn't get away with not telling you anymore. I just felt bad for hurting you, so I wanted to explain why I was acting differently so you wouldn't feel bad or think it was your fault anymore. Because it's totally my fault.

@s.malfoy: I'm gonna turn my phone off now; I don't think I can read your response to this. Please don't come find me right now.

@al.potter: WAIT SCORPIUS

@al.potter: SCORPIUS

@al.potter: shitttt i am too late SCORPIUS PLEASE

Groupchat: the kitty girls (rosieisred, kitty_.cat, al.potter)

@al.potter: update you tomorrow there is something i have to do

@rosieisred: What?? What are you talking about?

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