15 - Kitty, DM (Rose, Albus, & Kitty), DM (Rose & Scorpius)

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sorry we missed the party, we were busy being cuter than you :( (tagged: @s

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sorry we missed the party, we were busy being cuter than you :( (tagged: @s.malfoy, @rosieisred)

68 likes, 8 comments

@rosieisred: Wow, thanks for not posting one of the many group photos with all three of us in it.

@kitty_.cat: @rosieisred sorry this one was sO CUTE i hardly ever look cute in photos

@rosieisred: @kitty_.cat I'd have to disagree with that second part, but you're right, you do look super cute in this pic.

@s.malfoy: we had more fun than than everyone at the party.

@kitty_.cat: @s.malfoy FRRRR WE DID

@al.potter: aww looks like yall had fun


@al.potter: @kitty_.cat sorry 😬


Groupchat: the kitty girls (rosieisred, kitty_.cat, al.potter)

@kitty_.cat: bro really tho why did you go to the party?

@al.potter: i am trying to meet people, im out of the closet so theres no reason for me to be single anymore

@kitty_.cat: oh.

@al.potter: why did you send that to the chat without scorpius?????

@kitty_.cat: oh idk it just seemed like things between him and you are a lil weird lately... even after rose talked to him it didn't really improve.

@kitty_.cat: i thought that you maybe ditched us bc of him.

@rosieisred: When I talked to Scorpius, he didn't have a problem with Albus. I think his anxiety is just up lately.

@al.potter: yeah me and him are cool

@kitty_.cat: really??? when was the last time you said more than two sentences to him in one sitting??

@al.potter: stop it i can handle my own friendships thanks

@kitty_.cat: if you want to fix your relationship, then luckily, there is an option.

@al.potter: i dont need to fix my relationship

@kitty_.cat: you need to talk to him al.

@al.potter: ughhh i know i do but im worried he doesnt want to be my friend anymore kitty

@rosieisred: No, no, no, he does Al! Look, I don't wanna make Scorpius feel betrayed by giving him all of the details about our conversation but I promise he really cares about you and he has just had a rough time with a lot of his relationships lately and he definitely doesn't wanna lose you. Just trust me about that much.

@al.potter: rosie he might have just said that to you bc you are close to me, did you ever think of that?


DM: (rosieisred, s.malfoy)

@rosieisred: Scorpius, you need to talk to Albus. He thinks you don't want to be his friend anymore, and if you don't do something, you will destroy your friendship.

@s.malfoy: yeeeeaaaaahhhh i don't know if i can talk to him.

@rosieisred: Well, he won't listen to me. If it doesn't go well, I will talk to him, but drifting away is never gonna solve anything. Please, Scorpius.

@s.malfoy: alright.

@rosieisred: Alright???

@s.malfoy: yes, alright.

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