8 - DM (Rose & Albus)

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DM: (rosieisred, al.potter)


@al.potter: i stg did you interfere

@rosieisred: I was about to, but I didn't have to.

@al.potter: well whatever it doesnt change anything scorpius will just find the next girl

@rosieisred: Not if I have anything to say about it. I am tired of watching you get screwed over by him time and time again. Nobody will ever love him like you do and he needs to be grateful for that fact. He can't just keep dragging you around and breaking your heart.

@al.potter: he isnt doing anything wrong he probably isnt even gay rose

@rosieisred: Look, Albus, you can never just accept the fact that you deserve somebody who loves you the way that you love them. You can't just keep handing out your affection and attention to people who don't even return it to you. This is his last chance and he better not mess up this time.

@al.potter: oh god his last chance to what

@rosieisred: His last chance to convince me he is worth your time.

@al.potter: why are you so terrifying all of the time

@rosieisred: Why wouldn't I be? :)

@al.potter: jesus i have chillssss

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