19 - Confession

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No matter how much he denied it, Scorpius was usually a very predictable person. That was why Albus knew exactly where to look for him. He draped his father's invisibility cloak over his shoulders so he wouldn't get in trouble for being out after curfew, and he quickly headed to the astronomy tower.

He opened the door slowly and carefully to find his friend sitting on the floor wearing a hoodie and skinny jeans, his platinum blonde hair a tousled mess. He was silently staring out into the night sky with his arms wrapped around his knees. Albus approached him cautiously as though he were approaching a sleeping dragon that he didn't want to wake up. As he got closer, he noticed that Scorpius was shaking a little bit, and Albus's stomach clenched with guilt. He hated the feeling that it was his fault that the boy he loved felt this way. He sat down next to Scorpius without saying a word, unsure of what to say in this situation.

"I told you not to look for me," Scorpius whispered in a strained voice.

"I know." Albus bit his lip as he tried to choose his next words. He was nervous that he would just make everything worse. All he wanted was for Scorpius to feel okay, even if that didn't lead to the two of them being boyfriends. "Scorpius, I love you too. I always have, and I always will. If you gave me a chance to respond to your confession, I would have told you that. You could never ruin everything between us; not even if you tried. Because I love you way too much to ever let you ruin our relationship. I would love you even if you spat in my face and told me you hated me. I just love you that much." Scorpius remained silent for a few seconds, and Albus started to worry that he said something wrong. However, Scorpius wiped his face with his hands and turned to face Albus. His red face and puffy eyes made it obvious that he had been crying, but Albus still thought that he looked perfect anyway. The two boys locked eyes as Scorpius spoke.

"Do you mean it? Because if you don't mean it, I understand. But... do you?" Albus stood up, and he gently pulled Scorpius up onto his feet with him. Albus then slowly pulled the light-haired boy closer to him until their bodies were nearly touching. After Scorpius didn't move for a few seconds, Albus gently placed his lips on Scorpius's. Almost instantly, Scorpius kissed him back as if he had been waiting for this moment his whole life. His hands placed themselves on Albus's waist as the kiss intensified slightly. Before it could go on for too long, Albus slowly pulled away and locked his eyes with Scorpius's.

"Does that answer your question?" he asked airily, and Scorpius smiled.


A/N: Hiiiii sorry I know these notes are kinda annoying but I just have one question. Do you guys like when I add in chapters with this style, or do you prefer that I only have ones with the social media format? Thanks for your feedback, and thanks for reading! I really appreciate it!

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