30 - DM (Priya, Hugo, James, & Alice), DM (James & Alice)

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Groupchat: 🐍🐍🐍 (princess_priya, hugo_gw, jamessiriuss, aliiiceee)

@princess_priya: So, James, Alice...

@jamessiriuss: What do you want Priya

@princess_priya: Exactly what you want, James.

@princess_priya: Aren't you soooo tired of Rose, Scorpius, Albus, Kitty, and Lily acting like pretentious little arseholes?

@princess_priya: I mean, come on, those five constantly try to humiliate you.

@aliiiceee: they're still our friends priya. leave us out of your brooding.

@hugo_gw: Guys, listen to Priya. Those five always try to start shit and it's tearing our family apart.

@jamessiriuss: They do have a point, Ali

@princess_priya: I'm really not trying to start drama, Alice; Lily, Scorpius, Rose, and Albus already created the drama.

DM: (aliiiceee, jamessiriuss)

@aliiiceee: this doesn't seem right james. priya is known for using people.

@jamessiriuss: But not all rumors are true Ali

@aliiiceee: but i still love lils and i know she will come around. she thought we trusted her and so she was hurt when we didn't. and the others are just sticking up for her because they are really close to her.

@jamessiriuss: Can we at least find out what she wants

@aliiiceee: ...okay.

Groupchat: 🐍🐍🐍 (princess_priya, hugo_gw, jamessiriuss, aliiiceee)

@jamessiriuss: So what do you want Priya

@princess_priya: Just to be friends! Is that so wrong?

@aliiiceee: alright. we can be friends.

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