26 - Rose, DM (Scorpius & Rose), Phuong, DM (Kitty & Phuong)

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it's fine until someone gets hurt

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it's fine until someone gets hurt

194 likes, 4 comments

@princess_priya: As a pretentious little bitch once said to me, "Scorpius even looking in your direction and not being disgusted was your best moment."

@rosieisred: @princess_priya girl, this ain't about Scorpius... 💀

@princess_priya: @rosieisred well, good luck with your boy troubles; can't relate.

@s.malfoy: @princess_priya omfg get out. nobody wants you here anymore.

DM: (rosieisred, s.malfoy)

@s.malfoy: heyyyy, is everything alright? i am worried about you.

@rosieisred: I'm good.

@s.malfoy: yeah, no you're not. talk to me.

@rosieisred: I don't really wanna get into it.

@s.malfoy: i understand, but just getting it out there might make you feel better about it. if i didn't tell you everything about my feelings for al then we never would have gotten together.

@rosieisred: Well... Arlo rejected me when I asked him to be my boyfriend officially.

@s.malfoy: are you serious!? i thought he really liked you! he is an ass for playing with you like that.

@rosieisred: No, this isn't his fault. Honestly, you could argue that I was the one to play with him. Even though he rejected me, I honestly think he was more interested in me than I was in him.

@s.malfoy: if you weren't interested, why did you ask him out??

@rosieisred: Honestly? To make someone else jealous.

@s.malfoy: tea who??

@rosieisred: I will tell you someday, but not right now.

@s.malfoy: understood. just know i am here for you always!


tmw everyone is taken but you

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tmw everyone is taken but you

208 likes, 2 comments

@kitty_.cat: girl how are you so pretty

@duhitsphuong: @kitty_.cat 🥺

DM: (kitty_.cat, duhitsphuong)

@duhitsphuong: heyyyy who are you hanging out with at hogsmeade this weekend?

@kitty_.cat: umm probably just scorp, al, and rosie

@kitty_.cat: i am not all that popular lmaooo

@duhitsphuong: asajhdskdkj i felt that anyway do you mind if i chill w you guys??

@kitty_.cat: sure you can!! but i thought you would be hanging out with your usual crowd??

@duhitsphuong: ughhhhhhh nope i have been having issues w some of those girls lately

@duhitsphuong: i am kinda searching for a new group tbh, if it's okay w you and your friends

@kitty_.cat: are you kidding?? ofc you can chill w us!!

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