7 - DM (Scorpius & Priya), DM (Scorpius & Rose)

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DM: (princess_priya, s.malfoy)

@princess_priya: Do you even care about me???

@s.malfoy: what?? yes! ofc i do! why?

@princess_priya: We never talk anymore, I have thirteen pictures with you on my account and you have one with me, and you always spend your time with stupid Rose and her dumb cousin. I don't think you ever loved me.

@s.malfoy: don't even talk about my friends in that way. you're acting selfish again. i do so much for you and i don't have to post a bunch of pictures or ditch my friends to prove that.

@princess_priya: Oh I am selfish now?? What about when I missed the real Halloween party for that stupid little thing you and your friends were doing?

@s.malfoy: it was my birthday. halloween is my birthday, priya.

@princess_priya: Well that's not my fault.

@s.malfoy: are you serious rn??? look, if that's how you feel, maybe we shouldn't be in this relationship anymore.

@princess_priya: Don't do this. This isn't what you want. You'll come crawling back to me.

@s.malfoy: you're right, this isn't what i want. i want to have done this a long time ago. bye.


DM: (rosieisred, s.malfoy)

@rosieisred: Look, maybe this isn't what you want to hear, but it needs to be said.

@rosieisred: You are making a huge mistake and it needs to be stopped before it spirals out of control.

@s.malfoy: idk what she told you, but i made my decision. i don't want to be with priya anymore.

@rosieisred: Wait. What?

@rosieisred: You don't?

@s.malfoy: we just broke up. wait, what were you talking about?

@rosieisred: I was going to tell you to break up with her and I was going to tell you about how she is a manipulative, selfish bitch who couldn't care less about you.

@s.malfoy: oh, yeah. well, it looks like we are way ahead of you. thanks for looking out for me.

@rosieisred: That's not it, though. I just wanted to point out how much of a good friend Albus is to you because I feel like it goes unnoticed sometimes. He really cares about you, more than I've ever seen anybody care about anybody. You probably haven't noticed, but whenever people talk badly about you when you're not around, he sticks up for you. He gets a lot of grief for it from other students. And he would do anything for you. If you asked him to do something, he would just do it, no questions asked. He values your life more than he values his own. It's just something to think about. Not many people have a person like that. Don't ever do anything to lose him, okay?

@s.malfoy: uh, yeah, ok.

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