16 - James, DM (Lily & James), DM (Lily, James, & Alice)

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they're gonna hate me regardless, that's why i do what i do

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they're gonna hate me regardless, that's why i do what i do

231 likes, 3 comments

@al.potter: ppl hate you because you are annoying af

@al.potter: try doing what you do in a less annoying way and maybe people won't hate you

@jamessiriuss: @al.potter piss off lil bro


DM: (lilypotter, jamessiriuss)

@lilypotter: ok look bro, that one really hot 21-year-old quidditch friend of mum's is meeting with me tomorrow to discuss me playing quidditch professionally in the future, and i know you were dying to see her again, so i thought you could stop in and say hello. and i mean, you're single, she's single... who knows what could happen?

@jamessiriuss: Ohhh yeah Marley, look I am gonna have to pass on tomorrow but maybe another time? I already have plans

@lilypotter: YOU LITTLE RAT I KNEW IT I KNEW IT I KNEW IT how could you not tell us??? did you seriously think i wouldn't figure it out??

@jamessiriuss: What on earth are you going on about

@lilypotter: you absolute moron, you know exactly what i am talking about. YOU AND ALICE.

@jamessiriuss: .

@jamessiriuss: We didn't want it to come to this Lily. We just wanted to keep things quiet for just a little while. But I have to ask: how did anything I said even cause you to come to the conclusion that I am dating Alice

@lilypotter: BECAUSE you literally rejected a chance to be with a sexy adult woman without giving a specific reason as to why you couldn't meet up with her and to top it off you expressed minimal disappointment at the idea of not making out with her and you have been asking out alice dramatically in front of everybody for MONTHS but suddenly you stop and then like a week later she announces she is taken??? it all adds up big bro. i'm not dumb. me, rox, and molly are alice's best friends and although molly knows nothing about dating and rox can't pick up on gossip to save her life doesn't keep you safe from me despite the fact that i have to keep up with two friend groups at all times because lorcan, lysander, and dani are boring anyway.

@jamessiriuss: Damn I wasn't expecting that, guess we should involve Alice


Groupchat: lily isn't stupid so don't hide your relationships from her or this happens (lilypotter, jamessiriuss, aliiiceee)

@lilypotter: do you like the name of this gc? bc i don't like to have to use passive aggressive gc names but here we are now.

@aliiiceee: huh???

@jamessiriuss: Babe she knows about us

@aliiiceee: goddamnit i knew we went too far with how public we were. are you gonna tell everyone Lily?

@lilypotter: oh i sure am and i am gonna love every single little dramatic incident that happens as a result of me doing so.

@aliiiceee: lily please. see this from our perspective.

@lilypotter: i DO see it from your perspective, and it still doesn't make sense. you should have told me! not molly, not roxy, not albus, not frank, just me and only me and you would have been fine and it wouldn't have come to this. ig i just thought you trusted me.

@jamessiriuss: You're my baby sister I am not obligated to tell you anything Lily

@aliiiceee: stfu james. i do trust you lily, but this was a private thing with just me and james cause we didn't want people's opinions because of all the tension between me and james in the past. we just wanted 'us' time.

@lilypotter: well how did that work out for ya? look, when i tried to date skylar finnegan-thomas without telling anybody but rosie, james found out and literally threw a WHOLE tantrum and told the whole school so this is the least i can do in return.

@jamessiriuss: That was different Lily, you were only 12

@lilypotter: oh was it different? was it DIFFERENT james? let's see if you still see a huge difference when everybody constantly teases you two for months like everybody constantly teased me. because that teasing was so annoying that SKYLAR DUMPED ME BECAUSE OF IT. but oh how the tables have turned.

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