13 - DM (Rose, Kitty, & Albus), DM (Rose & Scorpius)

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Groupchat: the kitty girls (rosieisred, kitty_.cat, al.potter)

@al.potter: sooooooo rosie we really need you to help us with something

@rosieisred: What do you need help with?

@al.potter: so scorp has been acting rlly weird and he seems super upset and bothered about smth

@rosieisred: That sounds like something one of you should help him with.

@kitty_.cat: no, we are too close to him and he won't wanna listen to us and open up to us. but you are the perfect amount of close to him so he might just talk to you.

@rosieisred: Well...

@rosieisred: I will see what I can do.

@al.potter: ROSIE ILY

@al.potter: just try to get him to open up and tell us what he says cause you are our only hope

@kitty_.cat: yeah because i think he is on the verge of a huge mental breakdown or something.


DM: (rosieisred, s.malfoy)

@rosieisred: Hey, Scorpius.

@rosieisred: I have just noticed that it seems like something is bothering you lately and I care a lot about you so I wanted to check in.

@s.malfoy: oh well thanks i'm fine tho. maybe just a little sad about my breakup with priya.

@rosieisred: Are you sure about that? You didn't seem upset about it a couple of days ago.

@s.malfoy: i promise i am fine. my friends are fine and i am fine and it's all fine.

@s.malfoy: i am starting to hate the word "fine" from saying it too much lately lol.

@rosieisred: You can trust me, Scorpius. If you talk to me I literally won't tell a single soul about what you said.

@s.malfoy: .

@s.malfoy: it's just

@s.malfoy: i think i love him. i think i love him so much and it's way too late for me. he'll never see me that way.

@rosieisred: I think that if you really love him, then you should tell him.

@s.malfoy: are you nuts??? what if he doesn't want to be my friend anymore?

@rosieisred: You'll be miserable forever if you don't tell him, but there is a small chance that you won't be miserable if you do, even if there is a chance that your feelings will be unrequited.

@s.malfoy: yeah but i don't think i can handle it if he doesn't love me.

@rosieisred: I can't make any promises, but I would be very surprised if he doesn't love you. He would literally do anything for you and he talks about you so much.

@s.malfoy: wait i never said a name, is it that obvious?????

@rosieisred: No!!! I only figured it out because you don't talk to many boys and this problem rose up when Albus came out so I figured that finding out that he is gay made you rethink your relationship with him. Nobody who isn't super close to you guys will ever figure it out.

@s.malfoy: okay. i mean maybe i will tell him but not right now. i need time to think.

@rosieisred: I am sure you do! Your feelings are safe with me, and just know you can always trust me with anything.

@s.malfoy: okay. thank you rosie.


Groupchat: the kitty girls (rosieisred, kitty_.cat, al.potter)

@rosieisred: I talked to Scorpius.

@al.potter: and??????

@rosieisred: Well

@rosieisred: He is alright, he has just had a lot on his mind recently and he hasn't had time to process so he has been acting weird because of that.

@kitty_.cat: i guess that makes sense.

@al.potter: yeah ig thanks rosie

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