Imagine #4 Maks

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"Masky were not getting the lifts." You complain to your best friend and dance partner. He walks over to you.

"Well get it y/n/n (A//N: y/n/n stands for your nick name). You cringe at the nick name.

"Can you stop calling me that?" You ask your best friend of 3 years.


Today is your first day of dancing with the stars.  Your a new member of the troupe and you couldn't be more excited. You love this show.  Your favourite was Maks. He was great at sexy dances like burlesque, Argentine tango, and salsa. There's also a maturity about him that you like.

You walk in and you see everyone talking to one another. You feel like an outcast. You put on your dancing shoes

(A//N:Ballroom female dancers wear 2 inch high heels)

You put your hair In a high ponytail and stand in the corner.  No one notices you anyway.  Your on Instagram when you hear  a voice.

"You didn't come here to just be on your phone did you?" A Ukrainian voice says. You look up from your phone and see Maksim (maximum)  chmerkovskiy. You stare at him for a while.

"Uh- uh no I just- i just don't know anyone so I'm just gonna.....ya know..." He laughs at you stumbling over your words. You blush a bit. "You ruined your only chance at a first impression and you blew you you dumb ass!" You Think to yourself.

"What's your name beautiful?" He asks you. You smile at him calling you beautiful.

"Y/n" You say Holding out you hand.  He shakes it.

"Maks nice to meet you." He says. You laugh at his charm. He holds your hand.

"Where are we going?" You ask him.

"To meet some friends." He says. And you guys walk up to His younger brother,Val, and Maks current girlfriend Peta.

*end of flash back*

"Helloo" you hear a voice echo. You both turn and see Val and Jenna. You run over and hug them.

"Hows practice going?" Val asks. You look at maks and maks looks at me.

"Horrible!!!." You whine. "The choreography ain't bad it's just bad"

"Ok y/n/n that didn't make sense." He teases you. You make a face.

"It did make sense ,Masky" You tease back. He glares at you and you glare back."Its not my fault you cant lift me up the way you want to." You fire"

"Its not my fault you won't turn in the air like your supposed to."

"Well if you didn't drop me that one time then maybe I wouldnt be scared to. "

"That was 3 years ago!!!"

"And I still have the bump from it."

"You two bicker like an old married couple." Val snickers.  You and Jenna hit him in the head. Maks laughs. I walk over and punch him in the arm.

"Ow! Why do you punch like a dude?!" He bitches. We all laugh.


"Okay let's try this one more time!" Val demand a bit pissed off. You roll my eyes at him. You told him that you guys are struggling with this lift.

You fall forward and he catches you by your shoulders then he turs you while you spin and he catches by your underarms and throws you back up then you do a pirouettee  then fall back. Easy right wrong. Your do the head fall good then you turn and he catches you but you slide too far back. That he almost drops you.

He pushes you back up and you all have a pissed off look on your face.

"This trip isn't hard. I don't understand why your not not getting it. " Val says. You feel the fire burn behind your eyes. "Its not that hard. " that's the last straw.

"You know what Valentin maybe the lift is easy for you but it's  fucking hard for us. So you can stop criticising us for it. We asked for you help not for you to yell and shout at us. If I'm not mistaken he's older than you so you have no right to yell at him. So I'm not gonna stay here and let you tell at me."

You take your heels off and put slides on and leave the studio. Your not leaving you just need some time to cool off.

"Y/n!" You hear.  You turn and see Maks.  You stop walking and stop. He stops in front of you.

"Listen maks I'm sorry for yelling at Val  bu-" your sit off by his lips pressing on your. Your hands find his hair as his find your waist. You both pull away.

"Sorry I just wanted you to shut up." He says with his hands still on your  waist. You give him a face.

"Oh so it's not just because you wanted to kiss me." You tease him. He makes a face.

"No it's because I wanted to kiss you and wanted you to shut up." You roll your eyes.  He laughs. "Go to be honest that was the best kiss I've ever had in my life,Y/n/n."

"If you weren't so cute I would kick you in the balls for calling me that when I asked you to stop" He just smiles and kisses me again.

Hi guys

Sorry I didn't post all weekend I was so tired from my first week of high school and stuff

I had my first game (I cheer) of the season and we lost 0-62

I wanted to punch each player in there f***ing face

If you have an imagine or preference idea plz comment or dm me

I didn't edit or proof read this chapter

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