Your pet

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Gleb:You guys have a French Bulldog. He got you it for your 25th birthday. You guys call him your son. He loves sitting on your lap and likes you more than Gleb and gleb knows it

Val: You guys have a puppy Golden retriever. He got you her Valentine's day. Her name is Sunshine. She has light yellow fur and is so loveable. She loves sitting on Val's lap and hates when you sit on her lap. She will literally jump on you and keep jumping on you until you get off of him and she takes your place.

Maks: You guys have 3 baby kittens that he got you for your first Christmas together. There names are Moonlight, Sunshine, and Sunset. Moonlight is your favorite. She loves to cuddle and lay with you. Sunshine is the bully of the trio. He always hits one of them with his paw. Now Sunset is so quiet but if you take his food he screams so loud that you have a headache.

Mark: You guys have a ferret. His name is coco. He is a baby but He is so loveable. He got him for you for your one year anniversary. He loves to climb on the couch and just lay on it. He sleeps most of the day. He either sleeps on your lap or Mark's. It doesn't matter as long as he gets to sleep he doesn't care.

Derek: You guys have a baby porcupine. Her name is Roxy. You guys got her as when you guys visited a wildlife expo. They told you guys that one of there porcupines just game birth and they are going to put her down but you guys stepped in and said you'd take her and it was the best decision ever.

Artem: You guys have a pomperian. He got her for you when you dancing with the stars for the first time. Her name is Lola and she is your best friend. You take her everywhere with you. To practices, the store, everywhere. Whenever you get up she immediately follows you. She doesn't like Artem but let's him near you and her.

Sasha: You guys have a rabbit. His name guessed it Hops. He has white fur and big black eyes. She loves Sasha's steamed cucumbers.

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