Imagine #15 Val

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Basically it's that imagine you gave dwts_ballerina

You walk back to your dressing room pissed off on a while new level. That stupid Rumba. If it wasn't for that rumba everything would be fine. Your emotions. Your mind. Your relationship.

You and your husband Val are both pro's on dwts. You were new and he showed you around and soon enough you guys are married. He's the best thing that ever happened to you.....well until today.

You guys are having rehearsals for the dwts tour. You and Gleb were going over the steps for your cha-cha when you hear the music for Senorita. You turn you attention to the stage. You see Val and Sharna. You smile. You live watching Val dance. He's a great dancer. You love having him in your life. You don't know what you'd do without him.

Your smile quickly drops when as you watch the routine. The way his hands fit perfectly in the curve if her hips. The way he looks at her. The rest of the cast didn't help one bit. They were all doing cat whisles and noises. You don't stay til the end of the dance you just walk away.

"Y/N!" Gleb calls for you. You don't turn around or acknowledge him. You just jeep going your way.

You go to your dressing room and sob. you lock the door so no one can in . You grab a pillow and scream into it. The door opens and your husband walks in. You snap your head up and glare at him.

"Oh princess don't act like that. " he says leaning against the door frame.

"Don't call me that! How did you get in here?" You ask remembering you locked the door.

"I have a key. Remember sweetheart." You roll your eyes at him.

"What's with the attitude?" He asks sounding ticked off. You narrow your eyes at him as if telling him it's obvious. "Rumba?" He asks. You scoff in reply. "Baby it's a dance. You know it means nothing it's just a dance. I lov-"

"Its not about the fucking dance! Valentin!" You bellow. "Its about the way you looked at her. You don't even look at me that way when we dance. You don't even look at me that way in general. You act like she's your wife...." You put your head down and look at your feet. You hear him sigh. He knows your right.

You turn around in your chair so your not facing him.

"Why are you married to me?" You ask in a quiet voice. He should have heard it since you two are the only ones in the room.

"Excuse me?" He asks. Your not sure if he didn't understand the question or if he's just seeing if he heard you correctly.

"Why did you marry me? You should have married Sharna everyone thinks so. Even the fans think so."

"Baby I don't care what the fans think." He says walks towards you. You turn around in your chair.

"Well maybe you should....."

"The fans can't tell me who I can and can't love. Okay? No one can tell me who I love but myself. And right now and for the rest of my life I love you."

He says placing his hands on your shoulders and looking you in the eyes. You nod your head but your still unsure.

"Its just when we dance rumbas you don't look at me like that. You never look at me like that. " Your voice shakes a bit as you say this sentence

" stop this y/n.  Your my one and only. And no one or anything is gonna change that. "

"Oh come Valentin you've been looking at her like that since I've known you" I've known Val for 8 years.  Since I started dwts we've been best friends. Then we started dating for 4 years then finally got married a few months ago.

you finally look up with tears in your eyes as you look at his blue eyes. His eyes look red and puffy. He's been crying.  They look hurt and upset.  You didn't mean to make him upset.

"I didn't mean to make upset." You say without your voice shaking. He gives you a small smile.

"Its fine baby. That's what love does to people. Even me."

"Yeah but you don't cry. I'm pretty sure ive only seen you cry once and that was at our wedding. " you say placing your hand on his cheek. He holds the hand thats on his face. He removes your hand and kisses the back of it.

You both lean in for a kiss but before your lips touch Maks walks in. You both groan and glare at him. Which us a bad thing. 2 Ukrainians staring you down. It's just not something you want.

Maks, tam krashche buty proklyatoyu vahomoyu prychynoyu dlya toho, shchob ty khodyv po moyiy vbyralʹni, ne blyakayuchy.    ( Maks there better be a damn good reason for you walking in my dressing room without fucking  knocking.) You yell at him in Ukrainian.

"isnuye (there is) he has a shocked and scared look. You rarely swear so it must be a shock. Val looks shocked too. You give a look that says you better tell me now.  "Sharna krutyla shchykolotku i ne bula vpevnena, chy zmozhe vona vystupyty zavtra vvecheri. Mendi khoche znaty, chy mozhete vy zapovnyty yiyi." (Sharna twisted her ankle and were not sure if she's going to be able to perform tomorrow night. Mandy wants to know if you can fill in for her.)

You are stunned by this question. You? Me and Val just got in a fight over this dance and now they need to know if you  can fill in at the last minute.

"The show is tomorrow...." You say. They both laugh. "Why does she want me to" you ask a bit stunned.

"Isn't it obvious?" He asks. "You two are married so this dance will be better than it was before.

"I doubt that..." You mumble. Your pretty sure only Val heard it because Maks's face didn't change.

"Tell Mandy she'll do it" Val says. Maks nods and walks away.

"Valentin....." you say with a scowl. Your thrown off by him pressing his lips to yours. You put your hands I've this stubble. You both pull away with your foreheads together

"Your going to do this dance and your going to kill it." He says pecking your lips once more...

Hi guys

It's my birthday!!!!!


I'm 15 guys!!!

I didn't edit or proof read this chapter

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