imagine #8 Val (pt 1)

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(A//N: so I going to write the val one of my last chapter. I just love the idea.)

your a famous singer and you were opening for the dancing with the stars tour. This was your first nation wide tour and you were incredibly nervous. You went out on stage and performed your heart. The crowd felt and loved your energy. You smiled, bowed, and waved as you got off the stage. You pass A tall Ukrainian guy. He has slick back Brownish blackish hair. He has a stubble of a beard. He gives you a smile.

"hey your y/N right? The person opening the show?" You get lost in his eyes you don't even hear what he says. "Hello?" He says snapping his fingers.

"Oh yeah that's me." You say blushing of embarrassment. He smiles at you. You smile back.

"Oh I'm Valentin Chmerkovskiy." He says introducing himself. He holds out his hand and you shake hands.

"Val!" A girl with red hair says. She walks up to you guys.

"Babe this is y/n. Y/N this is my girlfriend Sharna. " You both say hi. Then they leave. You smile then frown when they turn away. He is so cute and hot. His accent makes my knees buckle. But he's taken.

You stand there dumbstruck. "Of course he has a girlfriend." You mentally slap your self. You feel so stupid and dumb


You pout to you Remember what happened a 3 years ago. Sharna and Val have been dating for 3 years. You know that Vals going to propose sooner or later. And that makes you feels some type of way. Your dating Alan but something doesn't seem right. You love Alan but you love Val more. You know it's wrong to love someone else while your dating someone else. Alan loves you but you don't love Alan. You've been telling him your love him for 2 years now but you don't. You care about him but you don't love him.

Alan is at dance practice so your home alone. You hear pounding at the door. You run and look though the peep hole. You see a very anxious Val. You open the door.

"Why are you hanging on the door like the police Valentin?" You ask him. He rolls his eyes. You laugh. You let him in and Close the door behind him. He sits on the couch. You sit next to him.

"So whats up?" You ask him. He hesitates before saying anything.

"Everyone wants me to marry shar but I cant." He says finally looking me in the eyes. You look right into those green eyes of his. The ones you tell in love with all those years ago.

"Why can't you propose to her?" You ask him biting the inside of your lip. He bites his.

"Because y/n...." He trails off and takes your hands in his. "When we first met I got lost in your eyes. And then I was snapped back Into reality when sharna called my name. I was in love with you then and I still am. " You tear up.

"Why didn't you say something before. Like before I started dating Alan and before you two were dating for 3 years?!" I half snap half ask him. He thinks for a bit before answering.

"I guess people talking about me getting married made me think of it. " says. You press your lips to his. He wraps both of his arms around your waist. Your hands find his neck. He taste like cucumbers and watermelon. His cologne smells great. You smile during the kiss and so does he. You both pull away when you hear the front door slam and a red faced and angered Alan.

Uh oh.........

Hi guys

I stayed home from school because I'm sick once again

I'm trying to update this book and the other ones.

I'm gonna do a pt 2 if this btw.

I didn't edit or proof read this chapter

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