How you two met

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Gleb: you were walking into the studio of dancing with the stars. It was your first day and you were really nervous.  Your hands were sweating and shaking. You tried to steady your breathing but it wasn't working.

"Alright if I call your name then you two are partners.!" Mandy Moore yelled. You was scared. Some of these people have known each other for years and your new.

"Val and Jenna!, Derek and Sharma, and Y/N and Gleb " You  look around to see if anyone move.  You see this tall guy move. He has a thin beard and long hair. You smile. He smiles back at you. 

"I guess we're partners. " he says.

"I guess so"

Val: your a famous singer and you were opening for the dancing with the stars tour.  This was your first nation wide tour and you were incredibly nervous.  You went out on stage and performed your heart. The crowd felt and loved your energy. You smiled, bowed, and waved as you got off the stage.  You pass A tall Ukrainian guy. He has slick back Brownish blackish hair.  He has a stubble of a beard. He gives you a smile.

"hey your y/N right? The person opening the  show?" You get lost in his eyes you don't even hear what he says. "Hello?" He says snapping his fingers. 

"Oh yeah that's me." You say blushing of embarrassment. He smiles at you. You smile back.

"Oh I'm Valentin Chmerkovskiy." He says introducing himself.  He holds out his hand and you shake hands.

"Val!" A girl with red hair says.  She walks up to you guys.

"Babe this is y/n.  Y/N this is my girlfriend Sharna. " You both say hi. Then they leave.

Maks: Your a new member or the troupe. Everyone is staring at you since your the new girl. Everyone keeps calling you that and it's pissing you off.

"Um.....Maks and new girl" Mandy say. This kind of pushed you off the edge.

"Its not new girl it's y/n. Just so everyones clear." You snap. Maks chuckles. 

"Nice to meet you y/n." He says.  You blush.

Mark: Your at a meet and greet for dancing with the stars. Your favorite is Mark. He's really cute and funny
You love his dancing and his choreography.

Your next in line to meet them.  You love all the pros but your really excited to meet Mark. You walk to Mark.

"Hi. I'm Mark and you are?" He asks.

"Your biggest fan." You say. Your cheeks redden when you say that. Maks and Val laugh when you say that.  There wife's Peta and Jenna hit them. Mark glares at them.  "That was so stupid." You mumble to yourself so no one could hear.

"I don't think it was stupid. I think it was cute .....what's your name cute girl?" He asks.

"Y/n." You say.

"Such a pretty name for such a pretty girl."

Derek: Your Val and Maks sister. Your in college but your visiting them. You walk into there camera blocking.  You see Maks and Val dancing. When it's over you clap and cheer. Both Brothers look at you and run over. They wrap there arms around you.

You walk over and hug everyone you know. You see this blonde haired a d blue eyes guy.

"Hi I'm Derek Hough" he introduces himself. You both shake hands.

"I'm y/n Chmerkovskiy" you say. 

"Your Maks and Vals little sister.?" He asks.  You bite the inside of Your lip and nod.

"Why?" You ask him.

"The way they talked about you they made it seem like you were. Little kid?"

"They did what?!" You half shout half say. "Valentin and Maksim!!!" You yell as you stare in there direction. They both gulp and run away.

Artem:Your leaving a coffee shop. You have ear buds in. You listen to the song as you walk out the door. When you do some guy bumps into you. He spills your coffee on he ground.

"Oh my gosh.I  am so sorry I was looking where I was going" he apologizes.

"Its totally fine. No blood. See?" He smirks.

"I'm Artem. " he says extending his hand.

"I'm y/n."

Sasha:  Your a troupe dancer for dancing with the stars. Your so nervous. You bump in this tall but short guy.

"Sorry. " he says. He has an accent but You don't know from where. It's cute though.

"It's fine. "

"Your the new troupe dancer right?" He asks you. You nod.

"I'm Sasha and I'm sure your going to do great."

"I'm y/n and thank you "

Hi guys

So sorry I'm not posting alot as I used to. I have cheer and Ballroom.

I'm watching dwts and I really want Gleb to win. (If you couldn't tell from my story a new beginning )

I have a pep rally Friday and the coaches are on my ass about me getting a extention (holding a girl up above your head)

I'll try to post a chapter of another journey this weekend

EveScourfs squeal to Loss it coming soon and I couldn't be more excited!!!!

I didnt edit or proof read this chapter

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