Making your relationship public

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Gleb: You and Gleb are at his house.  Your laying on his lap asleep. He plays with your hair. You begin to stir and your eyes eventually open. You wake up and see his green eyes looking at your y/e/c (Your eye color) . He caresses your cheek. 

"Hi baby." Your boyfriend says. You give him a smile. He leans down and pecks your lips.  You smile at him.

You sit up and he pulls you on his lap. The two of you watch tv until a certain news article comes on.

"Actress y/f/n y/l/n done with dating for good?"

Gleb true to turn the channel but you slap his hand.  He winces in pain.  You turn your attention back to the tv.

"A few months ago she competed on dancing with the stars and she won. Many people were linking her and partner Gleb." You bite your lip. You hate the media.  All they do is mess with famous people's lives.  "But rumors were quickly shut down when she was spotted with Mark Ballas after the finale. " You would love to punch her in the face. You were with Mark because he was driving you to Glebs house but they don't know that.

Gleb has been wanting to post that you guys are dating but you've been hesitant.  You didn't want the media to scrutinize you guys. But you guess that's what there gonna do regardless so what the hell.

"Hey Gleb?" You ask shortly after the report ends.  You turn your head to face his.

"Hmm?" He answers.

"Do you still  have that photo of us kissing that Artem took of us?" You know He does. It's his screen saver. He looks at me like I'm dumb.  He smirks as he nods his head.

He quickly sends it to you  and you  go on Instagram you  put the caption "all  mine". You  tagged Gleb on the post. You turn you phone off and then it dings.  You turn it on and it says @glebsavchenkooffical had tagged you in a post. You click the notification and it shows a pic of You laying on his chest.  He put the caption "All mine🔒" You turn to him and nuzzle your face into his neck.

Val: it's the  dancing with the stars finale. Val and Normani are in the finals.  You and your partner got eliminated a few weeks ago. You and  maks stand near the stage. You are both on the edge of your seats.

"In Third place is....." Tom says. My stomach clenches. You  feel like I'm going to throw up. You  really want Val to win. He did great this year.  "Normani and Val." You swear you hear the audience gasp along with you  and Maks.  Normani looks upset. She did get hurt and she still dances.  Maks looks pissed. Everyone thought they were gonna win but you guess not. Val goes to talk to press who are all around.

You see him talking and you have the best idea . He has his back turned you so he doesn't see you. You walk up behind him. You Go on your tip toes and cover his eyes. He's a bit taller than you are. 

"Guess who?" You say giggling.  You try doing this to brighten his mood a bit.

"Can you say it again without giggling this time?" He teases me. You both laugh. He takes your hands off of his  eyes. You Go flat on your feet and look at his blue eyes.

He leans down and presses his lips to yours.  It was a quick one but it felt like it was longer.  You totally forgot about the Interview he was having that you  interrupted. You blush and walk away laughing.

Maks:  Today maks asked you to help him and his partner  with there dance . You obviously said yes. You loved dancing with Maks. He made it fun.

"Masky!!!" You yell walking the studio. The camera crew and Erin all look at you.  You blush. You hated being the center of attention. 

"Hey babe!" He yells from across the room. You wave. You drop you dufflenag. It contains water bottles,  snacks and dance shoes. 

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