Imagine #12 Artem

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Hi guys so I'm gonna use my name only because it makes sense for a part of the story but it will still be in you format. Feel free to use your name if you want to

Your going to be on Dancing with the stars and you couldn't be more excited. You love this show and you were determined to win

You walk in to the room and there's no one in here but a little girl. She can't be more than 6. Shes playing on a phone. So her father must be your dance partner. She has dark brown hair and blue eyes. You walk up to the little girl.

"Hi sweetie." You say bending down to the little girls size. She looks up from the phone and smile at you.

"Hi I'm Sophia. What's your name?" She asks you. She has an accent that you can't place. That stuff drives you crazy when you can't figure something out.

"Za'Mahj (za-ma-hj)" you say smiling back. She gives you a confusing look.

"Za-zam-" she says trying to pronounce your name.

"You know what just call me Mahj honey." She smiles and nods. Then the door opens and an man walks in.

He had dark brown hair and blue eyes. Just like Sophia. This must be her dad and my partner. You stand up as he makes his way over to the both of you.

"Daddy! Daddy!" Sophia says running up to the man who must be her dad. He lifts her up and places her on his hip. They make there way over to you. A blush appears across your face as he looks over at you.

"Hi I'm Artem you must be my partner." He says placing Sophia on the floor. You smile and nod your head up and down.

"Hi I'm ZaMahj." You say. He has the same confused look on his face that Sophia had. "If that's too confusing to say you can call me Mahj." You say. He nods.


After a few minutes Sophia leaves. He looks like the best dad ever.

"She's really cute." You say after a few minutes of silence between you two.

"Thanks she's the best thing that ever happened to me after her mom left after she was born." He says. He looks you in the eyes and you look back at his eyes. As if he looking for a sign of pity that you don't give him.

"She looks like your mini" you say smiling at him. He laughs. "Hey I have a question." You blurt out after a few minutes. He looks up at you.

"and that question would be..." He says.

"Your accent what is it?" You ask looking really interested.

"Its Russian. I'm from Izhevsk, Russia."

"Ok I was just wondering it was bugging me not knowing." You say with a giggle.


"Our first dance is going to be a foxtrot. And were gonna do it to your song getting good." He says. That's makes you been. Your a country singer and it's your first dance too. What if you mess up. What if you fall. "You look nervous." He says.

"I'm thinking about what ifs" you say. He places a hand on your shoulder.

"Your going to do great!" He says putting you at ease.

And he was right. The dance is amazing. He says it's the best routine for me.
After practice you wait for your boyfriend to pick you up. You've been waiting for a while until your phone buzzes. You read the text and it breaks your heart.

Za'Mahj I don't know how to say this to your face so here it goes but I'm breaking up with you.

Tears roll down your face as you read the text.

"ZaMahj?" You hear the familiar voice say. You turn and wipe your tears. "Hey what's wrong."

You hand him your phone and she read the text. He sighs.

"I'm so sorry" he wraps his arms around you and hugs you tight.

"Its fine."

"Do you need a ride." You nod.

It's show time and your waiting for them to say your turn. Your in the skybox then you see a familiar face. It's Bruce. Your ex. You run away and Artem sees.

"Hey what's wrong. " he asks.

"My ex is here" you say to calm down.

"Hey don't let him being here affect your performance. "

"It's not only that. I said that he broke up with me hurt me and shit like that in the package. "

"Good let him see how he affected you." He says you nod.

"This week my boyfriend of 2 years broke up with me. Over a text of all things. It hurt me really bad. It kind of messed me up for a day but I'm fine now. He's a coward and I really hope he sees this. I really do."

You cover your mouth as you watch. Oh Lord. You look at Artem and smile. Then the music starts. You glide across the stage and your having fun.

After the judges critiques you go up to Erin. The other case members hug you.

"Ok missy that dance was it. You had a hard week and went and did that! How did it feel?"

"It felt great. I always wanted to do this show and I'm really happy that I did. " you say. You get all 8s on your dance. After the show your walking to your trailer when you hear a voice call your name.

"Mahj!!!" You turn and see Sophia. She runs up to you.

"Hey sof." You see Artem walking behind her.

"I liked your dance." She says making you smile. You Artem and Sophia talk for a while before you all go home.

Hi guys

Ok first if all Gleb and Lauren should have fucking won dancing with the stars. I'm really pissed about it. But it's fine.

Happy thanks giving for those who live in the USA.

I didn't edit of proof read this chapter

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