Imagine #17 Artem

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You've been married to Artem  Chigvintsev for a year and a half year now. It's been really private. No one knows. Not even his dwts cast mates.

Your wedding was really small too. Family only was invited. The press don't even know about you guys. That's one good factor, you guess.

Your a lawyer at a law firm and they are supposed to be able to read though people's bullshit but they don't know. After wears his silver wedding band on his right ring finger so that he can still wear it. You wear it on your regular finger since women do that.

You wake up feeling 2 lips pressed to your cheek. You smile and your eyes flutter open. You see your husband sitting up with a smile on his face.

"Morning baby." He says with a sexy morning voice. You loved his morning voice it was just so cute to you.

"Morning." You groan. "What time is it?" You say not bothering to look at the alarm clock that's next to you.

"It's 9:30am and I have a camera blocking at 10:30." He informs you as you close your eyes about to fall asleep once again. Artem smiles at you and is about to leave the room then he remembers something.

"Oh and someone named Matt Daniels keeps calling you" Normally a man would get jealous if another man, that's not related to you,  calls there wifes.  But not Artem. He trusts you just like you trust him.

You sit up swiftly and you grab your phone. You dial the number back as quickly as you can. You send a deadly glare to husband who is laughing quietly.

"I called you 5x!" He yells though the phone. You roll your eyes at his statement. He loves to yell at you all the damn time.

"Oh my god will you get your panties out of a twist! For the first time I'm late." You get out of bed and hang up on him. You give Artem a quick peck on the lips before he leaves.

I slept though 5 phone calls. You think in your head. You never do that. Your making your coffee when you get the sudden erge to throw up. You hold your mouth as you run to the nearest bedroom. You begin to throw up what you think is last night's dinner. You flush the toilet and look in the mirror. You wash your face with cold water before returning to the kitchen. It suddenly hits you as a gust of wind. You could be pregnant

You guys have been trying to get pregnant for a while now but it wasn't working out right. You went to doctors and they all said nothing was wrong with both of you guys. Artem wants to have kids so bad and it hurt when it didn't happen. You go in the medicine cabinet where you keep 2 pregnancy tests. You take one out and try it.

You tap your foot impatiently waiting for the results. The test beeps letting you know that the 5 minutes are up. You look down and see the words pregnant in black letters. You sit on the toilet look at the tests to see if it really says pregnant or if your mind is playing tricks on you. After 10 minutes you begin to cry.

I'm pregnant.  I'm pregnant.

That statement keep going though you head as tears fall down your cheeks. You grab your cell phone and call you boss to let him know something came up and you won't be coming into work today. He says that's fine. Why wouldn't it be? You always the first on there and the last one to leave. If he had a problem with you  not coming into work then you two were going to have a problem and itnwasnt going to be pretty.

You hop in your car and drive to the dwts set. You've never been her before and it's kind of odd to you. But with paparazzi and your  job it wouldn't be pretty. You did change into some sutsable clothes. Your wearing jeans and a sweet shirt with sneakers. You put your hair In a messy bun. You wall in and everyone looks at you. Including Artem who jumps from his sitting position and walks over to you.

"Are you okay? You normally call is everything alright?" He noticed your puffy eyes and shaky breath. Before he could ask  someone clears there throat as they are looking at Artem and you.

"Guys this is my wife y/n." He introduces you.

"Your married!" Someone yells and you know it's Sharna. You can tell by her firery red hair. Artem and you  both nod.

"For a year and a half now. " you clear up before anyone else.

Artem pulls you into a hallway away from the others.

"You've been crying. Why,baby?" He asks with sad eyes.

"Because I'm pregnant." You say with a tight voice. His eyes get wide and he smiles big.  He lifts you up and spins you around. After a few minutes of celebrating Artem has to go back to practice. Val came and told us Mandy here. You quickly kiss his lips before you  edit the building. Not with out a few of the pros saying goodbye to me.

"Guys I'm gonna be a dad!" You hear Artem say before the door closes to the studio.

Hi guys

See guys Im not dead....

Ok if you don't already know Artem and Nikki are having a baby

This imagine took awhile to come up with

I'm obsessed with Criminal minds right now. Shemar Moore is Hot🔥🔥🔥

I didn't edit or proof read this chapter

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