chapter one

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Miami. My home since I was born. The only place I could remember. I lived with my mom and I was in 7th grade. My best friends were named Kayla, Austin, and Joshua. We all had one common interest as we walked into homeroom the first day of 7th grade, Riverdale. 

They are the only three in my entire school that knew my secret. I do indeed have a sister, Camila Mendes. Name sounds familiar? She plays Veronica Lodge on Riverdale. I had been keeping it a secret for the longest time, I just didn't want all that attention. We did have different last names though, my mother was married twice. I love Cami with all my heart and I called her all the time, but she knows that no one but the cast is allowed to know.

I was three weeks away from going to visit her in Vancouver. All her friends on set knew who I was, but I hadn't met them yet. As the summer approached, I did not tell anyone where I was going and posted on all my social medias that I was not going to have cell service for a couple weeks. Only my best friends had known at the time what was going on. They were beyond excited as they were Riverdale obsessed.

 My flight left the first week of summer, I was traveling alone and my mom wished me a safe flight and drove back to work. My mother loved her life. Raising two girls was her perfect dream and we both has a passion for acting and singing. Even though Cami and I were 10 years apart, we were best friends.

My flight landed and Cami was still on set. She texted me that she would be there in 20 minutes for me to hang tight. As soon as I saw her, I ran to her and jumped in her arms. It had been two years and I had missed her more than anything. Heck, I even started crying. We then got in the car and caught up the whole way to set. I was sweating and on the verge of a panic attack because I was so nervous to meet the cast.

As we pulled up, she let me leave the bags in the car and she walked me to her trailer. I put all my stuff down and she noticed I was scared. She then picked me up and sat me on her lap and cuddled me until I stopped crying. She used to always do that when I would have panic attacks when she lived back home. I even remember her exact words.

Cami: Listen to me Soph. I understand you are nervous baby. But there is absolutely nothing to worry about. These people are my best friends and they're going to love you. You'll be the cast little sister. I promise.

Her words always calmed me down. We then heard a knock on the door.

"Cami! They need you on set!". 

We then left her trailer and began to walk to the sound stages. I hid behind Cami the entire time and held her hand, in the other hand I was making a tight fist to the point where I was making myself bleed. Yes, I know it's what Betty did on Riverdale, but I had started doing it way before that. Cole was the first person to notice me. I'm pretty sure he noticed I was scared because he just smiled at me. Cami then kneeled down to my level and said

Cami: I have to go film now. I'll introduce you to Cole and leave you two together and you'll see the rest of the cast in bits and pieces. He's the sweetest. Don't worry.

I took a deep breath and let go of Cami's hand. Cami quickly introduced us and ran off before Roberto could get mad. Cole gestured me to sit next to him on the couch and we started a conversation.

Cole: I'm taking that you're the little sister we are forbidden to talk about.

Me: Yes, I am.

I said as I chuckled quietly. We then continued our conversation until he noticed my hands.

Cole: Hey? Sophie? Are you okay? I mean, your hands-.

I cut him off explaining my anxiety and all that has happened in my life.

Cole: You're my new favorite cast member, well, don't tell Lili.

Me: Haha, not to worry, I haven't even met her.

The rest of the cast then began coming into the green room and I was introduced to them little by little. Surprisingly, I clicked with Cole and Lili the best. Cami then told Lili and Cole that it was time to go home because they carpool to work every day.

We said goodbye to Lili and Cole and they walked into their apartment. Cami lived right next door to them. I put my bags down in her guest bedroom and ran to the kitchen. She was making pasta, which was my favorite food to eat when she lived in Miami. After about an hour of catching up and eating I showered and laid in bed. 

I turned on he TV and saw Cami standing in the door frame.

Cami: I miss having you around. I'm so happy you decided to come stay with me. Being away from your little sister for so long gets tough.

I smiled and nodded and she came over to kiss my forehead. 

Me: Goodnight Cam.

Cami: Night Soph.

 That night I fell asleep knowing that it was gonna be so much fun staying with Cami. 

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