chapter eight

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When I woke up I was on the couch at home. I assumed Cole carried me in. I checked my phone to check the time. Five am. Woah. 

My lock screen was a picture of Seb and I asleep in the fort that Cole took. I opened my phone to see my home screen was no longer Annie and I, it was a picture of Cole, Lili and I asleep on the couch today. Aww. I decided to keep it because we looked cute. Lili was snuggled up to Cole and my head was resting on Lili's lap the rest of my body laying across the couch. I have so many memories on that couch.

 I set a reminder to post a picture from the sleepover I had with Cami, Mads, and Lili the other night and I went back to sleep.

I woke up again around 12 to the smell of bacon. I was somehow on Cole and Lili's couch. Lili was the only one off today, well, of the cast mates I was close to. 

"Morning munchkin..." 

she said as I reached for the bacon on the kitchen counter. 

"Morning Lils." 

She handed me some sweatpants and a hoodie that Cami gave her and told me to shower after breakfast that we were going to have a relaxing day at home. I ate and went to shower.

 When I got back to the couch Lili offered to braid my hair. I decided to not post the picture because Cami already had posted it so instead, I posted a picture that Cole had taken that day on the field. Lili and I looked like we were having the time of our life. I gave him picture credits and captioned it 

"couldn't ask for a better day <3" 

I then walked to the couch and saw Lili liking my post. I sat next to her and she wanted to watch a Disney movie. We put on Beauty and the Beast and I began to text Seb because we hadn't talked since yesterday.

It was a few days until Christmas, and I would see him a week after. We had a two-week break from filming after Christmas. Lunch time was at like three. I ordered McDonalds and Lili ordered Chipotle. 

We decided to watch the musical episodes of Riverdale so we could goof off and sing along. When the food arrived, we ate and continued dancing. We did not even hear Cole and Cami open the apartment door. 

They joined us and soon it was ready for dinner. I said bye to Cole and Lili and walked with Cam to our apartment. Cami and I continued the fun as we waited for dinner to arrive. We all know Cami can't cook. 

I loved living with my sister. This is probably the best thing that has ever happened. Yes, I missed my mom, but I still call her every night. 

Early call times were the worst... But tomorrow would be the last day before break. We all are going home to see our families for the break.

 In my case, Cami and I are going home to Miami to see our mom and then she's flying to Arizona to see her dad and I am flying to LA to spend the week with Annie.


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